
Primary Reading

Sirevåg: History and Life in the United States,

Lowi & Ginsberg: American Government, 7th Brief ed..

Richard P. Horwitz: The American Studies Anthology, 2001. Scholarly Resources. Selection numbers 1,4,5,9-21,23,25-38,44,48,49 (Optional numbers 14,15,31,32,34,35).

Rose: US History Pamphlets, Kompendium.

Secondary Reading

Jenkins: A History of the United States OR,

Carroll and Noble: The Free and the Unfree,

The World Almanac & Book of Facts,

Supplementary reading / current events

The International Herald Tribune, USA Today, US News & World Report, Newsweek, The New Republic, MS, Mother Jones, The Nation

For Exam Preparation

Tor Egil Førland: Drøft: Lærebok i oppgaveskriving (Gyldendal)

Publisert 6. mars 2005 11:32