
# means ‘text for purchase’



# David Fairer, English Poetry of the Eighteenth Century 1700—1789, 2nd edn (Longman, 1993) ISBN-10: 0-582-22777-1 (ISBN-13: 978-0582227774)

ON CANVAS (NB: NOT necessary to purchase): Chapters from John Richetti, ed., The Cambridge Companion to the Eighteenth-Century Novel (2008)


Primary texts:

Poems in

# David Fairer and Christine Gerrard, eds, Eighteenth-Century Poetry: An Annotated Anthology, 3rd edn (Oxford: Blackwell, 2014) ISBN-10: 111882475X ISBN-13: 978-1118824757. Titles marked # to be read separately in the specified editions.


Joseph Addison

Spectator essays (nos 1, 2, 3, 10, 69) [PDF]


Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea

‘Upon the Hurricane’

‘A Nocturnal Rêverie’

‘To the Nightingale’


‘To a Friend, in Praise of the Invention of Writing Letters’

‘The Agreeable’

‘To Mr Pope, in answer to a copy of Verses


Jonathan Swift

‘A Description of the Morning’

‘A Description of the City Shower’

‘The Lady’s Dressing Room’

‘A Beautiful Young Nymph Going to Bed’


Alexander Pope

An Essay on Criticism

An Epistle to Arbuthnot


John Gay

Trivia: Or, The Art of Walking the Streets of London (1716), Book II


Lady Mary Wortley Montagu

‘Saturday. The Smallpox’

‘Epistle from Arthur Gray the Footman. After his Condemnation for attempting a Rape’

‘The Lover: A Ballad’

 ‘An Epistle to Lord Bathurst’

(with Lord Hervey) ‘Verses Address’d to the Imitator of Horace’

 ‘The Dean’s Provocation for Writing the Lady’s Dressing Room’


Samuel Johnson

‘On the Death of Dr Robert Levet’ (1783)


Thomas Gray

Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard (1751)


Oliver Goldsmith

The Deserted Village (1770)


William Cowper

The Task (1785), Book I


Anna Laetitia Barbauld

‘A Summer Evening’s Meditation’

‘To Mr Barbauld’

‘The Rights of Woman’

‘To a little invisible Being who is expected soon to become visible’


Charlotte Smith

Beachy Head

[NB: the poem is not in Fairer and Gerrard. A PDF of the text will be made available on Canvas, and a good edited text is widely available in the Norton Anthology of British Literature, ninth and tenth editions]


Prose fiction:

# Samuel Richardson, Pamela (1740), ed. Thomas Keymer and Alice Wakeley (Oxford World Classics)

# Henry Fielding, Joseph Andrews (1742) and Shamela (1741), ed. Homer Goldberg Fraiman (Norton Critical Edition)

# Charlotte Lennox, The Female Quixote (1752), ed. Margaret Dalziel (Oxford World Classics)

# Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey (1803, published 1818), ed. Susan Fraiman (Norton Critical Edition)

10) XX March: William Cowper, The Task, Book 1

11) XX April: Charlotte Smith, Beachy Head

12) XX April: Charlotte Lennox, The Female Quixote

13) XX April: Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey

14) XX May: Summing up

Published Nov. 22, 2019 10:54 AM - Last modified Nov. 22, 2019 10:54 AM