Seven Wednesdays 9.15-11 semr 11 PAM (except Jan 28: Library orientation at "Læringsoasen" Georg Sverdrup, main library Level 2)


Obligatory attendance: 5 out of 7 Wednesdays. Additional absences must be justified by documentation to the exam coordinator, Kristin Marie Berstad 22856898, room NT 815,

Note: In this course, you need to be your own boss. The weeks without teaching are for reading and writing. You should start writing as soon as you get your thesis statement approved by your appointed supervisor. Make a plan and stick to it throughout the semester!

The textbook, They Say, I Say, gives lots of helpful advice on how to write. Make sure that you familiarize yourself with the contents, as we will not go through it in any detail in class. Use it as a handbook! You will also be given a handout with guidelines on “How to write a persuasive introduction” that you should study very carefully.

You will get two face-to-face meetings with your supervisor. The first should be to discuss your thesis statement and get it approved so that you can start writing. After you have submitted your written draft to him/her, you should schedule another meeting to get feedback and suggestions for improvement. It is important that you leave enough time to revise your draft in light of any suggestions made. 

Your contact info: Please remember to activate automatic forwarding of messages from your student email account.

Published Nov. 24, 2014 3:01 PM