Syllabus/achievement requirements


  • Saeed, John: Semantics. Blackwell (Parts 1 and 2).
  • Black, Elizabeth 2002: Pragmatic stylistics. Edinburgh University Press.


  • Austin, John Langshaw. 1999. How to do Things with Words. In Coupland N. And Jaworski, A. The Discourse Reader, pp. 63 – 75, Source: J.L. Austin 1962 How to Do Things With Words, OUP
  • Brown, Penelope and Levinson, Stephen. 1999.  Ch 19: Politeness, in (eds) Coupland, N & Jaworski, A:  The Discourse Reader  pp: 321 - 335
  • Grice, Herbert Paul. 1989.Ch 2: Logic and Conversation, in Studies in the Way of Words 1989 pp 22-40
  • Harris, Sandra. 2001. Being Politically Impolite: Extending Politeness Theory to Adversarial Political Discourse, in Discourse & Society 12: 451 Sage Publication
  • Kolaiti and D. Wilson. 2012. Corpus Analysis and Lexical Pragmatics: An Overview, in UCLWorking Papers – available online.
  • Wikipedia:  Speech Act.  8 pages
  • Wikipedia:  Word Sense disambiguation: 5 pages
  • Wilson, D & Sperber, D :  Relevance Theory, online version of their paper of the same title in Horn, L and Ward, G (eds) Handbook of Pragmatics Oxford, Blackwell
Published May 23, 2013 1:57 PM