Syllabus/achievement requirements

Scholarly Literature, Books: (ALL)


  • Nancy F. Cott, Public Vows: A History of Marriage and the Nation (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2000).
  • Peter Wallenstien, Tell the Court I Love my Wife: Race, Marriage, and Law – An American History (NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002).
  • Kristin Celello, Making Marriage Work: A History of Marriage and Divorce in the Twentieth-Century United States (University of North Carolina Press, 2009).
  • Christina Simmons, Making Marriage Modern: Women’s Sexuality from the Progressive Era to World War II (Oxford University Press, 2009).


 Scholarly Literature, Articles

 (Available via Library -- America: History & Life and International Performing Arts Index)

  • Linda K. Kerber, “Why Diamonds Really are a Girl’s Best Friend: Another American Narrative,” Daedalus 141:1 (Winter 2012) 89-100.
  • L. Alex Swan, “A Methodological Critique of the Moynihan Report” Black Scholar 5:9 (June 1974) 18-24.
  • Rachel Hope Cleves, “’What, Another Female Husband?’ The Prehistory of Same-Sex Marriage in America,” Journal of American History 101:4 (March 2015) 1055-1081.
  • Douglas S. Massey and Robert J. Sampson, “Moynihan Redux: Legacies and Lessons,” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science vol 621, The Moynihan Report Revisited: Lessons and Reflections after Four Decades (Jan 2009) 6-27.
  • Roland G. Fryer, Jr., “Guess Who’s Been Coming to Dinner?  Trends in Interracial Marriage over the 20th Century,” Journal of Economic Perspectives 21:2 (Spring 2007) 71-90.


Additional articles on Canvas, with a few to be chosen by the students in small groups.


Documents: (ALL)


   Films:  Optional

  • A Midwife’s Tale, 1998 (Optional – Join with the BA course’s viewing, on the first day of class)


   Films: Required -- Choose at least 3 of the following

  • It Happened One Night, 1934
  • Double Indemnity, 1944
  • Woman of the Year, 1942 or Adam’s Rib, 1949
  • Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, 1967
  • Stepford Wives, 1975
  • My Big Fat Greek Wedding, 2002
  • The Holiday (2006) or Fifty First Dates (2004) or Never Been Kissed (1999)


Library Databases:

  • America: History and Life
  • International Index to Performing Arts (Full Text)


Reference – online access:

  • James D. Lester and James D. Lester, Jr., “Understanding and Avoiding Plagiarism,” Chapter 6 in Writing Research Papers, 11th Ed. (NY: Pearson Longman, 2005).
  • Kitchen-Døderlein, Deborah. Writing a Successful Thesis. Draft, 2011.
  • Chicago Manual of Style (can also be purchased if desired)


   Reference: Buy

  • Dorothy Burton Skårdal, Rules for Writing English: A Practical Handbook for Students and Teachers of English in Norway (Available through Kompendia Utsalg at Akademika)
  • A good dictionary: (Webster’s New Collegiate is preferable, but others will suffice if you are unable to get Webster’s – though they are often better for British English, than American. It is often considerably cheaper to buy this on Amazon than to buy Oxford at Akademika, according to other students.)
  • Mary Lynn Rampolla, A Pocket Guide to Writing in History, 5th edition (Bedford/St. Martins, 2006).



Published May 24, 2018 4:26 PM - Last modified May 24, 2018 4:26 PM