
Bidrag merket med * ligger i Fronter


Bickerton, Christopher J. (2012) European Integration: from nation-states to member states. Oxford University Press. Introduction, Kap. 3-5, 140 sider (finnes som e-bok på UB)

Bratberg, Øivind (2016): "Brexit: Storbritannias vei mot det ukjente", Folk og Forsvar 3, 2016: 14-15. 2 sider

Dinan, Desmond (2014) Europe Recast: A History of European Union. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 400 sider

* Dinan, Desmond, Neill Nugent, Willie Paterson (2017) The European Union in Crises. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Kap. 6, 7, 8

* D'Otaavio, Gabrielle (2015) A New German Question? Germany and European Integration in Historical Perspective, i D'Ottavio, Gabrielle &Thomas Saalfeld, Germany after the 2013 Elections - Breaking the Mould of Post-Unification Politics? New York: Routlegde. 15 sider

Janning, Josef, Altmut Möller (2016) Leading from the Center: Germany's New role in the Europe. European Council on Foreign Relations, July. 12 sider

* Kaminska, Joanna (2014) Poland and EU Enlargement. Foreign Policy in Transformation. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Side 15-72

Kolodziejczyk, Katarzyna (2016) Poland in The European Union. Ten Years of Membership. Revista UNISCI/UNISCI Journal No 40. 

Krotz, Ulrich, Joachim Schild (2015) Shaping Europe: France, Germany, and Embedded Bilateralism from the Elysee Treaty to Twenty-First Century Politics. Oxford University Press: Oxford. Kap. 2, 5-9. 145 sider (finnes som e-bok på UB)

Lequesne, Christian (2015) France and the European Union: a story of reason rather than love. Policy Brief 5, NUPI. 3 sider

Ortego-Iglesias, Miguel (2017) Still Waiting for Paris: Germany’s reluctant hegemony in pursuing political union in the Euro Area, Journal of European Integration, Volume 39. 13 sider.

* Paterson, William E. (2015) The making of German European Policy, i: Colvin, Sarah, Ed., The Routledge Handbook of German Politics & Culture. New York: Routledge. 15 sider

Reungoat, Emmanuelle (2015) Mobilizing Europe in national competition: The case of the French Front National. International Political Science Review, 36:3, 296–310

Reynolds, Chris (2017) Presidential elections and Europe: the 2012 game-changer. Modern & Contemporary France, 25:2, 117-134

Rozenberg, Olivier (2015) France in quest of a European narrative. Foundation Robert Schuman, European issues. No. 345, 24. February.

Todd, John (2015) The British Self and Continental Other. A Discourse Analysis of the United Kingdom’s Relationship with Europe. ARENA Report No 1/15. Kap. 3, 4, 5 side 27-102. 


Anbefalt lesing

Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung (ed.) (2014) Freedom, Equality, Solidarity. Thoughts on Europe’s Future – from Germany, France and Poland. Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung: Gütersloh

Publisert 26. mai 2017 13:10 - Sist endret 18. okt. 2019 15:19