
I. Bøker som må kjøpes eller lånes:

Gadamer, Hans-Georg. Sannhet og metode, Pax. 2010.

Bakhtin, Mikhail M. Spørsmål om talegenrane, Pensumtjeneste 2005.

Harris, Wendell V.: Literary Meaning. Reclaiming the Study of Literature, Macmillan London 1996. S. 9-125.

II. Tekster i kompendium tilgjengelig ved semesterstart

Burke, Seán, “Reconstructing the Author” i Authorship Form Plato to the Postmodernist. A Reader. Edinburgh University Press 2006, s. xv-xxx.

Derrida; Jacques: “Signature event context”, i Margins of Philosophy, University of Chicago Press, s. 307-330.

Eagleton, Terry. “The rise and fall of Theory” i After Theory 2003, s. 23-40 (finnes i norsk oversettelse.)

Umberto Eco: “Between author and text”, i Interpretation and overinterpretation, Cambridge University Press 1994, s. 67-88.

Fernando, Jeremy: “The Contract. Venus in Furs, or How to Read the Other” i Reading Blindly. Literature, Otherness and the Possibility of an Ethical Reading, Cambria 2009. S. 51-82.

Freud, Sigmund: “The Premisse and Technique of interpretation”, “The manifest content of dreams and the latent dream-thoughts” i Modern Criticism and Theory. A Reader. Ed. D. Lodge og N. Wood, 3. utg. Longman 2008, 53-69.

Habermas, Jürgen: ”Hermeneutikkens krav på universell gyldighet”, i Hermentuik en antologi om forståelse. Gyldendal 2005, s. 206-237.

Hirsch, E. D. Jr. ”In defense of the author”, fra Validity of Interpretation. I Modern Criticism and Theory. A Reader. Ed. D. Lodge og N. Wood, 3. utg. Longman 2008, s. 265-279.

Miall, David S. “Interpretation, Cognition and Feeling” i Literary Reading. Empirical & Theoretical Studies. Peter Lang 2007, s. 35-46.

Moi, Toril: “What Can Literature Do? Simone de Beauvoir as a Literary Theorist”, in Publications of the Modern Language Association of America [0030-8129] Moi år:2009 vol:124 hefte:1 side:189 ff.

Ricoeur, Paul “Hvad er en tekst? Forklare og forstå”, i Hermentuik en antologi om forståelse. Gyldendal 2005, s. 238-262.

Wimsatt, W. K. Jr og Beardsley, Monroe C: “The Intentional Fallacy + Notes and references. I The Verbal Icon: Studies in the Meaning of Poetry. Univ. of Kuntucky Press 1965 ss 3-18 og 281.


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Publisert 6. nov. 2012 14:02 - Sist endret 6. nov. 2012 14:03