
All compendiums (LIT2000 Literary theory 1–2) and books are available at Akademika.


Culler, Jonathan : Literary Theory. A Very Short Introduction, 1997. Oxford University Press. (149 p).

Balzac, Honore de: Farewell, 2004. Lightning Source UK Ltd. (48 p.).

Articles in compendium:

Adorno, Theodor W. : "Lyric Poetry and Society" in O’Connor, Brian (ed.): The Adorno Reader. 2000, Oxford: Blackwell. P 211–229.

Bakhtin, Mikhail: "Epic and Novel. Toward a Methodology for the Study of the Novel!" in The Dialogical Imagination, 2000. Austin: Univ. of Texas Press. P 3–31.

Barthes, Roland: "The Reality Effect" in The Rustle of Language, 1986. New York: Hill and Wang. P 141–148.

Berman, Antoine: "The Manifestation of Translation" in The Experience of the Foreign, 1992. Albany: State of New York Press. P 1–9.

Cleanth, Brooks: "Irony as a Principle of Structure" in Zabel, Morton Dauwen (ed.) Literary Opinion in America, 1962. New York: Harper Torchbooks. P 729–741.

De Man, Paul: "The resistance to theory" in The resistance to theory, 1986. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. P. 3-20.

Felman, Shoshana: "Women and Madness: The Critical Phallacy (Balzac, "Adieu")" in What Does a Woman Want?, 1993. Baltimore, London: John Hopkins Press. P 20–40.

Fish, Stanley: "Is there a text in this class" in Is there a text in this class: the autority of interpretive communities, 1980. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard U. P. P. 303-321.

Foucault, Michael: "What is an autor" in David Lodge (ed.): Modern criticism and theory: a reader, 1991. London: Longman. P. 197-210.

Gates, Henry, Louis Jr. : "The blackness of blackness: a critique of the sign and the Signifying Monkey" in Henry Louis Gates (red.): Black literature and literary theory, 1984. New York: Methuen. P. 285-298.

Greenblatt, Stephen: "The circulation of social energy" in: Shakespearean negotiations: the circulation of social energy in renaissance England, 1988. Oxford, Clarendon Press. P. 1-20.

Iser, Wolfgang: "The reading process: a phenomenological approach" in David Lodge (ed.): Modern criticism and theory: a reader, 1988. London: Longman. P. 211–228.

Jakobson, Roman: "Linguistics and poetics" in Lodge, David (ed.): Modern criticism and theory: a reader, 1988. London, Longman. P. 31–57.

Compendium 2

Said, Edvard W. : "Introduction: Secular criticism" in The world, the text, and the critic, 1983. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard U. P. S. 1-24.

Shklovsky, Victor B. : "Art as technique" in David Lodge (ed.): Modern criticism and theory: a reader, 1988. London: Longman. P. 15–30.

Spitzer, Leo: "Linguistics and literary history" in Linguistics and literary history: essays in stylistics, 1967. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton U. P. 1-39.

Starobinski, Jean: "The interpreters progress” in The Living Eye, 1989. Cambridge, Massachusetts, London: Harvard University Press. P 171-229.

Szondi, Peter: Exerpts from Theory of the Modern Drama, 1987. Cambridge: Polity Press. P 3–18, 45–49.

Tompkins, Jane: "Sentimental Power: Uncle Tom’s Cabin and the Politics of Literary History” in Sensational Designs. The Cultural Work of American Fiction 1790–1860, 1985. Oxford Univ. Press.

Publisert 23. mai 2006 17:57 - Sist endret 23. mai 2006 17:59