
Den polske litterære kanon (POL1302)


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Jan Kochanowski, Laments, nr. I-XIII, “Epigraph” (Treny, utdrag), i: Polish Renaissance Literature: An Anthology, Columbus, Ohio, 1995, s. 180-194; 211.*

Jan Pasek, “The Year of our Lord 1659,” “The Year of Our Lord 1680,” Memoirs (Pamiętniki, utdrag), i: Memoirs of the Polish Baroque: the Writings of Jan Chryzostom Pasek, a Squire of the Commonwealth of Poland and Lithuania, Berkeley, 1976, s. 21-34; 249-256.*


Adam Mickiewicz, “The Romantic” (Romantyczność), i: C. Miłosz, The History of Polish Literature, Berkeley, 1983 s. 211-213. –“Det polske folks og de polske pilegrimers bøker” (Księgi narodu polskiego i pielgrzymstwa polskiego, utdrag). i: Polen forteller. Polske noveller, red. J. Brodal, overs. J. Brodal, Oslo, 1991, s. 36-44.

Juliusz Słowacki, “Anhelli,” i: Polen forteller. Polske noveller, red. J. Brodal, overs. J. Brodal, Oslo, 1991, s. 50-64.

Zygmunt Krasiński, The Un-Divine Comedy (Nie-Boska Komedia), i: Polish Romantic Drama: Three Plays in English Translation, trans. H. B. Segel, London, 1977, s. 177-247. (på svensk: Den ogudomliga komedien, i: Polska skalder, 3, red. og overs. A. Jensen, Gøteborg, 1906, s. 11-113.

Cyprian Norwid, “In Verona” (W Weronie), i: Poems, red. og overs. A. Czerniawski, s. 38-39.* – “Ad Leones,” i: Polen forteller. Polske noveller, red. J. Brodal, overs. O. M. Selberg, Oslo, 1991, s. 67-77.

“Positivismen,” realisme

Bolesław Prus, “Vesten” (Kamizelka), “Fra det gamle Egypts legender” (Z legend dawnego Egiptu), i: Polen forteller. Polske noveller, red. J. Brodal, overs. J. Brodal, Oslo, 1991, s. 159-169; 170-176.

Henryk Sienkiewicz, “Fyrvokteren” (Latarnik), i: Polen forteller. Polske noveller, red. J. Brodal, overs. J. Brodal, Oslo, 1991, s. 139-155.

Eliza Orzeszkowa, “A...B...C...”, i: Polen forteller. Polske noveller, red. J. Brodal, overs. J. Brodal, Oslo, 1991, s. 93-122.

“Młoda Polska,” symbolisme

Stanisław Wyspiański, “The Poet and the Peasant Bride,” utdrag Bryllupet (Wesele), Akt 3, scene 16; “Let nobody weep over my grave” (Niech nikt nad grobem mi nie płacze); “How can I calm myself” (Jakżeż ja się uspokoję), i: Five Centuries of Polish Poetry 1450-1950, red. J. Peterkiewicz & B. Singer, London, s. 91-94; 100-101. Jan Kasprowicz, “The Sunset,” utdrag fra Min aftensang (Moja pieśń wieczorna), “Landscape on the Move,” utdrag fra Hellige Gud, Hellig og Mektig (Święty Boże, święty, mocny), i: Five Centuries of Polish Poetry 1450-1950, red. J. Peterkiewicz & B. Singer, London, s. 98-99; 100-101.

Mellomkrigstiden, modernisme

Jaroslaw Iwaszkiewicz, “Ikaros” (Ikar), “Ekornet” (Wiewiórka) i: Polen forteller. Polske noveller, red. J. Brodal, overs. J. Brodal, Oslo, 1991, s. 298-301; 302-304. Bruno Schulz, “The Street of Crocodiles” (Ulica krokodyli), “Cockroaches” (Karakony) i: The Collected Works of Bruno Schultz, red. J. Ficowski, overs. C. Wienewska, London, 1998, s. 57-64; 64-68. 11 s.*

Witold Gombrowicz, “Lawyer Kraykowski’s Dancer” (Tancerz mecenasa Kraykowskiego), “The Events on the Banbury” (Zdarzenia na brygu Banbury), i: Bacacay, overs. B. Johnston, New York, 2004, s. 3-16; 142-193. – Ferdydurke, overs. K. Dannevig, Oslo, 1993.

Etter 1939

Czesław Miłosz, “A Poor Christian Looks at the Ghetto” (Biedny chrześcijanin patrzy na Ghetto), i: C. Miłosz, The History of Polish Literature, Berkeley, 1983 s. 459- 460.

Zbigniew Herbert, “ To dråper” (Dwie krople), “Herr Cogito mottar av og til underlige brev” (Pan Cogito otrzymuje czasem dziwne listy), “Hva tenker Herr Cogito om helvete” (Co myśli Pan Cogito o piekle), “Herr Cogitos budskap” (Przesłanie Pana Cogito), i: Herr Cogito, overs. Ole Michael Selberg, Oslo, 1974, s. 13; 167- 170; 172-174.*

Wisława Szymborska, “Skriveglede” (Radość pisania), “Tarsius” (Tarsjusz), “Hjemkomster” (Powroty), “Stort tall” (Wielka liczba), “Elegisk regnestykke” (Rachunek elegijny), i: Utsikt med et sandkorn, red. og overs. O. M. Selberg, Oslo, 1996, s. 43-44; 59-60; 73; 83-84; 140-141.

Stanisław Lem, Solaris, overs. H. Braarvig & O. I. Sopp, etterord J. Bing & T. Å. Bringsværd, Oslo, 1974, 119s. (på engelsk: Solaris, London : Faber & Faber, 2003)

Hanna Krall, “A Tale for Hollywood” (Powieść dla Hollywoodu), i: The Eagle and the Crow: Modern Polish Short Stories, red. T. Halikowska & G. Hyde, New York, 1996, 150-182.*


Om kanon-begrepet

Karen Gammelgård, “Værdi,” i: Tekstens mening - en introduktion til Pragerskolen, København, 2003, s. 51-54.

Erick Bjerck Hagen, “Smak” (utdrag), i: Litteraturkritikk, Oslo, 2004, s. (51-74), 74-79.

Jørn Lund, “Fyr!”, i: Politiken, 2004, 3 s.:*

Jane Tompkins, “Onkel Toms Hytte og litteraturhistoriens politikk, i: Feministisk litteraturteori, red. I. Iversen, Oslo, 2001, s. 297-318.

Litteraturhistorie og litterær analyse

Stanisław Baranczak, Breathing Under Water and Other East European Essays, Cambrigde, MA, 1990. – “Gombrowicz: Culture and Chaos,” s. 95-106. – “The Face of Bruno Schulz,” s. 107-118. – “The Ecstatic Pessimist,” s. 126-134.*

Małgorzata Czermińska,“Women Writers in Polish Literature, 1945-95: From ‘Equal Rights for Women’ to Feminist Self-Awareness,” i: A History of Central European Women’s Writing, red. C. Hawkesworth, London, 2001, s. 220-239.*

Stanisław Eile, “The Evolution of Polish Fiction in the XIX Century and Modernity,” i: Modernist Trends in Twentieth-Century Polish Fiction, London,1996, s. 21-31. – “Messianism and the national Cause,” i: Literature and Nationalism in Partioned Poland, 1795-1918, New York, 2000, s. 46-67.

Knut Andreas Grimstad, “A Harbinger of the Polish novel: Delving into Jan Pasek’s Memoirs,” Motskrift, 1, 2002, s. 57-66. – “Beyond Identity Politics, or the Polish Past Mastered: Transatlantic Strategies in the Writings of Witold Gombrowicz,” Slavonica, 11, 1, 2005, s. 53-68.

Michael M. Mikoś,“Introduction,” Polish Renaissance Literature: An Anthology, Columbus, Ohio, 1995, s. 16-40.

Czesław Milosz, “Romanticism,” i: The History of Polish Literature, London, 1983, s. 195-280. – “Positivism,” s. 281-321. – “Independent Poland: 1918-1939,” s. 380-440. – “World War II and the First Twenty Years of People’s Poland,” s. 441-532.

Harold B. Seger, “Introduction,” i: Polish Romantic Drama: Three Plays in English Translation, overs. H. B. Segel, London, 1977, s. 21-62.

Susan Sontag, “Gombrowicz’s Ferdydurke,” i: Where the Stress Falls. Essays, London, 2001, s. 97-105.*

Fakultativ lesning

Grażyna Borkowska. “The Feminization of Culture: Polish Women’s Literature, 1900- 45,” i: A History of Central European Women’s Writing, red. C. Hawkesworth, London, 2001, s. 150-164.

Stanisław Eile, “Demiurges perplexed: Stanisław I. Witkiewicz and Bruno Schulz,” i: Modernist Trends in Twentieth-Century Polish Fiction, London,1996, s. 85-102.

Knut Andreas Grimstad, “‘ An unthinkable coincidence like any other’: On gendered Sensibility in the Poetry of Wisława Szymborska,” i: Wisława Szymborska. A Stockholm Conference. May 23-2, 2003, red. L. Neuger & R. Wennerholm, Stockholm, s. 93-106 (under utgivelse). – “Gombrowicz mellom fjord og fjell: Umodenhetsproblematikken sett med norske øyne, i: ‘Gör mig inte till nagon simpel demon’ – en hyllning till Witold Gombrowicz med anledning av hundraarsjubileet av hans födelse, red. L. Neuger, Stockholm (under utgivelse), 11 s.

Gordon Hølmebakk, “Forord,” i: B. Schulz: Kanelbutikkene og andre fortellinger, overs. T. Greiff & M. Nag, Oslo, 2002, s. 9-14.

Michael M. Mikoś, “Introduction,” Polish Baroque and Enlightenment Literature: An Anthology, red. M. J. Mikoś, Columbus, OH, 1996, s. 38-58.

Jerzy Peterkiewicz, “The Straw-man at a Wedding,” i: S. Wyspiański, The Wedding, overs. N. Clark, London, 1998, s. 7-13. Aleksandra Sawicka, “Dagny Juel og Stanislaw Przybyszewski – ‘kulturarbeidere’ for Norge og Polen,” Folia Scandinavistica, Poznan, 2006, under utgivelse. Kan lastes ned fra emneside for POL1302.

Ole Michael Selberg, “Forelesninger om polsk middelalderlitteratur.”Polonista w stanie odpoczynku, 2001. Kan lastes ned fra polsk fagside, under “Diverse”: – “Henryk Sienkiewicz’ “Quo Vadis?” (samme sted).

Krzysztof Stala, The Paradoxes of Representation in Bruno Schulz’ Fiction, Stockholm, 1993, 131 s.

Publisert 13. okt. 2009 15:18 - Sist endret 25. nov. 2009 10:47