
Pensumtekstene markert med en * er tilgjengelig i Fronter i SLAV4000 - Fellesrom, i mappen "Undervisningsmateriale".

Book: Erll, Astrid (Transl. Sara B. Young): Memory in Culture. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011 (eller nyere, reviderte utgave).

Online resources: “nitbits”; 10 to 20-minutes talks by Aleida Assmann, Astrid Erll, Andrew Hoskins, Rosanne Kennedy, Ann Rigney, Michael Rothberg and Barbara Törnquist-Plewa on key concepts of cultural memory studies:  

Reading list  (Articles and book chapters)

Assmann, Aleida. “Canon and Archive.” In: Erll, Astrid, and Ansgar Nünning (eds). A Companion to Cultural Memory Studies. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2008, pp. 97-108.*

Bošković, Aleksandar. “Yugonostalgia and Yugoslav Cultural Memory: Lexicon of Yu Mythology.” Slavic Review 72.1 (2013): 54-78.*

Boym, Svetlana. “Nostalgia and its Discontents,” The Hedgehog Review, 2007:

Connerton, Paul. How Societies Remember. Cambridge England: Cambridge UP, 1989.  (Excerpts)*

Grabes, Herbert. "Cultural Memory and the Literary Canon." In: Erll, Astrid, and Ansgar Nünning (eds). A Companion to Cultural Memory Studies. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2008, pp. 311-320.*

Kirn, Gal. “Transnationalism in Reverse: From Yugoslav to Post-Yugoslav Memorial Sites” in De Cesari, Chiara, and Ann Rigney. “Introduction.” In: De Cesari, Chiara, and Ann Rigney Transnational Memory: Circulation, Articulation, Scales. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2014, pp. 313-338.*

Koselleck, Reinhart. “War Memorials: Identity Formations of the Survivors.” In: Olick, Jeffrey K.., Vered. Vinitzky-Seroussi, and Daniel. Levy. The Collective Memory Reader. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011, pp. 365–370.*

Leggewie, Claus. “Seven Circles of European Memory,” Eurozine, 20 December 2010:

Michlic, Joanna B. “Memories of Jews and the Holocaust in Post-Communist Eastern Europe. The Case of Poland,” in: ‪ Lindsey A. Freeman et al: (eds): Silence, Screen, and Spectacle: Rethinking Social Memory in the Age of Information, Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2014, pp. 183 -212.*

Nora, Pierre. “Between Memory and History: Les lieux de mémoire.” Transl. Marc Roudebush. Representations 26.26 (1989): 7-25.*

Ochman, Ewa. “The Enduring Legacy of the People’s Republic” and “Monuments, Commemorative Space and the Rescaling of Memory”, In: Ochman, Ewa: Post-Communist Poland – Contested Pasts and Future Identities. Oxford: Routledge, 2013, pp. 26–40.*

Petrović, Tanja. “Thinking Europe Without Thinking: Neo-Colonial Discourse on and in the Western Balkans” Eurozine, 22 September 2011:

Radonić, Ljiljana. “Croatia – Exhibiting Memory and History at the ‘Shores of Europe’.” Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research 3 (2011): 355-67:

Rädle-Jeremić, Renata: “Remembrance in Transition: The Sajmište Concentration Camp in the Official Politics of Memory of Yugoslavia and Serbia,” Cultures of History Forum:  

Rigney, Ann. “Ongoing: Changing Memory and the European Project.” In: De Cesari, Chiara, and Ann Rigney Transnational Memory: Circulation, Articulation, Scales. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2014, pp. 339–360.*

Rothberg, Michael. “From Gaza to Warsaw: Mapping Multidirectional Memory.” Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts 53.4 (2011): 523-48.*  

Stola, Dariusz. “Reimagining the Past for a Complex Future”:

Stola, Dariusz. “The Anti-Zionist Campaign in Poland 1967-68.” 2002, pp. 1-8:


Publisert 30. nov. 2017 15:28 - Sist endret 5. nov. 2020 09:55