Syllabus/achievement requirements

All resources will be available on Canvas


M. Carlson & S. C. Lewis (eds.) Boundaries of Journalism: Professionalism, Practices and Participation (London: Routledge). Introduction, Chapters 1-2, Epilogue.

Wahl Jorgensen, K. and T. Hanitzsch (eds) (2009) The Handbook of Journalism Studies (London: Routledge). Chapters 1-3, 5-9, 11-14, 19, 21, 26-27.

Waisbord, S. (2013) Reinventing Professionalism: Journalism and News in Global Perspective (Cambridge: Polity). Chapters 2, 4.


Archetti, C. (2010) “Comparing international coverage of 9.11: Towards an interdisciplinary explanation of the construction of news,” Journalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism 11(5), 567-588.

Archetti, C. (2013) “Journalism in the age of global media: The evolving practices of foreign correspondents in London,” Journalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism 14(3): 419-436.

Archetti, C. (2014) “Journalism & the city: Redefining the spaces of foreign correspondence in London and Oslo,” Journalism Studies 15(5): 586-595.

Archetti, C. (2017) “Journalism, Practice and…Poetry: The Unexpected Effects of Creative Writing on Journalism Research,” Journalism Studies, Journalism Studies 18(9): pp. 1106-1127.

Archetti, C (2019) “Mapping Transnational Journalism in the Age of Flows: Or How I Ditched ‘Foreign Correspondence’ and the ‘Immigrant Press’ and Started to Love Histoire Croisée,” Journalism Studies, 18 pages

Deuze, M. (2005) “What is journalism?: Professional identity and ideology of journalists reconsidered,” Journalism 6(4): 442-464.

Deuze, M. (2018) “On creativity,” Journalism 20(1): 130-134.

Deuze, M. and T. Witschge (2018) “Beyond Journalism: Theorizing the transformation of journalism,” Journalism 19(2): 165-181.

Dickinson, R., Matthews, J., Saltzis, K. (2013) “Studying Journalists in Changing Times: Understanding News Work as Socially Situated Practice,” The International Communication Gazette 75(1): 3-18.

Hanitzsch, T. (2007) “Deconstructing Journalism Culture: Towards a Universal Theory,” Communication Theory 17: 367-385.

Hermida, A. (2010) “Twittering the news: The emergence of ambient journalism,” Journalism Practice, 4(3) 297-308.

McChesney, R. (2012) “Farewell to journalism?,” Journalism Studies 13(5-6): 682-694.

Nielsen, R. K. (2015) Local Journalism: The Decline of Newspapers and the Rise of Digital Media (London: I.B. Tauris). “Introduction,” pp. 1-25. (file on canvas)

Pavlik, J. (2000) “The impact of technology on journalism,” Journalism Studies 1(2): 229-237.

Reese, S. D. (2001) “Understanding the global journalist. A hierarchy of influences approach,” Journalism Studies 2(2): 173-187.

Schmid, A. P. (1989) “Terrorism and the media: The ethics of publicity,” Terrorism and Political Violence 1(4): 539-556.

Steensen, Steen (2011) “Online journalism and the promises of a new technology: A critical review and look ahead,” Journalism Studies, 12(3): 311–327.

Steensen, S. and L. Ahva (2015) “Theories of journalism in the digital age,” Journalism Practice 9(1): 1-18. 

Tong, J. (2007) “Guerrilla tactics of investigative journalists in China,” Journalism 8(5): 530–535.

Vandervoordt, R. (2016) “Covering the Syrian conflict: How Middle East reporters deal with challenging situations,” Media, War and Conflict 9(3): 306-324.

Waisbord, S. (2018) “Truth is what happens to news,” Journalism Studies 19(13): 1866-1878


Archetti, C. (2015) “Terrorism, communication and the media,” in C. Kennedy-Pipe, G. Clubb and S. Mabon (eds) Terrorism and Political Violence (London: Sage), pp. 134-152.

Bai, H. (2014) “Between advocacy and objectivity: New role models among investigative journalists,” in Svensson, M., Sather, E. & Zhang, Z. (eds.), Chinese Investigative Journalists'  Dreams: Autonomy, Agency, and Voice (Lanham: Lexington Books), pp. 75-90.

Hanitzsch, T., Steethaler, J., Skewes. A.E., Anikina, M., Berganza, R., Gangoz, I., Yuen, K.W. (2012). “Worlds of journalism: Journalistic cultures, professional autonomy, and perceived influences across 18 nations.” In D.H. Weaver, & L. Willnat (Eds.), The Global Journalist in the 21st century (New York: Routledge), pp. 473-494. 

Singer J.B. (2011) “Taking responsibility: Legal and ethical issues in participatory journalism.” In Singer, J.B., A. Hermida, D. Domingo, A. Heinonen, S. Paulussen, T. Quandt, Z. Reich, M. Vujnovic (2011) Participatory Journalism: Guarding Open Gates at Online Newspapers (Chichester: Wilet Blackwell), pp. 121-138. 

Other resources

BBC Editorial Guidelines (n.d.) “Language When Reporting Terrorism,”

TOTAL READING: 728 pages. 

Published May 10, 2019 10:42 AM - Last modified June 26, 2019 11:21 AM