
Published Nov. 5, 2009 9:22 PM

Information on exam submission

The home exam in JOUR4330 must be submitted in Fronter. The deadline is Nov 26th at 2:00 pm.

You'll find useful information and instructions concerning the exam (including deadline, submission in Fronter and more) here

Good luck!

Published Oct. 23, 2009 5:27 PM

As previously announced there will be no ordinary class on Friday Oct. 30, but there will be a seminar conducted by Alix.

On Wednesday Nov. 4 12.00 - 14.00 there will be seminar in the Fritt Ord House (Uranienborgveien 2) on "Chinese Media – Rapid marketization and political control" with lecture by Professor Colin Sparks, University of Westminster.

Published Oct. 20, 2009 6:57 PM

The Class on Friday Oct 23 will last from 10.15 till 14.00 i.e. four hours and will deal with

A History of Freedom of Expression. Literature: Winston. Zenco-Zencovich


Freedom of Expression and different Media Literature: Lipschulz, Zeno-Zencovich

The reason for the four is to compensate fro the class on Oct 16 that was cancelled.

NB. The class will be in Room 207

Published Oct. 13, 2009 4:31 PM

Alix will conduct the class on Friday Oct. 16, as I have to participate in a panel with the South African minister Trevor Manuel organised by NORAD. I will come back with information about how the missed class will compensated for.


Published Oct. 9, 2009 11:29 AM

Issues for discussion in Class Oct. 9. 2009

Questions on the relationship between legal and principal issues on relation to freedom of expression.

1. Principal issue.

Differences between national legal systems, and the relationship to the European Human Rights Convention and The European Court of Human Rights.

2. Particular legal issues to be discussed.

Prior restraint.

Hate speech.


Commercial utterings.

Official secrets.

Invasion of privacy.

Libel and defamation.



Published Oct. 6, 2009 11:33 AM

The first seminar in this course will take place tomorrow Wednesday Oct. 7. 12:15 -14:00, 208 Seminarrom Forskningsparken.

The seminar will first deal with "How to write a home exam". But then mainly consist of a discussion of the topics raised in the course so far. Remember this is a seminar so the students are expected to make contributions. So please be ready to raise issues that you feel are important.

Published Sep. 25, 2009 2:31 PM

in the first meeting of the class in The Freedom of Expression Course – today Sept. 25 – only 5 of 15 students turned up. Let me remind you that classes are important – both the regular lectures and the seminars – you will be asked to participate in the activities in the seminars and active participation is a prerequisite of the whole course. I expect to see more of you next time.

Please visit the website of the course.

There have been problems accessing the Norwegian Freedom of Expression Commission report. It can be found on:

If you still have problems finding it. Talk to me.


Published Sep. 23, 2009 12:46 PM

Guest Lecture, Monday October 5th, 1415 - 1600, room 205, IMK Forskningsparken:

Professor Eva Hemmungs Wirtén Uppsala University

Terms of Use: Negotiating the Jungle of Intellectual Commons

Eva Hemmungs Wirtén is Professor in Library and Information Science and also Associate Professor in Comparative Literature at The Department of Aechival Science, Library- and Information Science and Museology. Her wide research interests include intellectual propert and the public domain, the history/theory/philosophy of information, print culture and book history, cultural policy, and translation studies. Her new book, Terms of Use: Negotiating the Jungle of the Intellectual Commons, is an interdisciplinary analysis of historical and contemporary issues concerning copyright, terms of use, piracy, culture, art, cultural politics and many, many other things. The book build on and further develop her important study of the conflict between the public and the private rega...

Published Aug. 14, 2009 12:26 PM

Teaching plan (Jour 4330) Freedom of Expression – Autumn 2009

September 25. Freedom of Expression in a principled perspective – An Introduction Literature: The Report of the Freedom of Expression Commission; Warburton.

October 2 Freedom of Expression in Relation to Other Human and Civil Rights Literature: Kierulf and Rønning: p. 9 – 49

October 9. Legal issues. Literature: Kierulf and Rønning p. 53 – 93. Lipschulz

October 16. A History of Freedom of Expression. Literature: Winston. Zenco-Zencovich

October 23. Freedom of Expression and different Media Literature: Lipschulz, Zeno-Zencovich

October 30. No lecture

November 6. Cultural Wars. Literature Kierulf and Rønning p. 105 – 151

In addition there will be open seminars at the Fritt Ord House in Uranienborgveien 2. More information will come.

Published Aug. 13, 2009 3:48 PM

Please note that the lectures are moved and will start and finish one week earlier than planned. The first lecture will be given

Friday 25. September in room 205 in the Research park