Welcome to MEVIT1110!The seminars start …

Welcome to MEVIT1110!

The seminars start next week, on thursday (24.10)!

Check out the time and place for lectures and seminars ('Time and place') and the detailed teaching plan.

In studentweb you'll find which seminargroup you belong to.

Responsible for the course is: Magdalena Tutka-Gwozdz, magdalena.tutka-gwozdz@media.uio.no

Seminar teacher for group 1 and 2: Anne Nordheim, annnnor@student.media.uio.no

Seminar teacher for group 3,4 and 5: Sara Rundgren Yazdani, s.e.y.rundgren@media.uio.no

Published Oct. 18, 2012 3:44 PM - Last modified Apr. 16, 2013 1:14 PM