
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
23.08.2005Tanja Storsul  Seminarrom 205  Introduksjon/Introduction  Introduction to the writing process and to the course. The class will be divided into working groups.  
30.08.2005USIT  Multimedierommet  Introduction to Vortex  Alle innleveringer skal skje elektronisk. Alle får opplæring i VORTEX som er systemet som håndterer dette. Første gruppe kl 10-11, andre gruppe kl 12-13.

All assignments shall be submitted electronically. All students will get an introduction to the VORTEX-system which is used for this purpose. First group at 10-11, second group at 12-13. 

06.09.2005Tanja Storsul m fl  Seminarrom 205  Prosjektideer/Ideas for projects  Presentation of research projects at IMK + Vitenskapsbutikken (the science shop) 
13.09.2005Tanja Storsul  Seminarrom 205  Presentasjoner av pensumlitteratur/Presentation of literature from reading list  Presentation of books from the reading list which the students have read and discussed in groups. 
20.09.2005Tanja Storsul  Seminarrom 205  Analyse av masteroppgave/Analysis of master thesis  First obligatory assignment. Group submission.

Document: Written analysis. Deadline 23 September.  

28.09.2005Signe Brandsæter  Biblioteket/Library  Biblioteksorientering(Library Introduction  First group from 10-13. (The library introduction will take place in two groups - the second group is the next day) 
29.09.2005Signe Brandsæter  Biblioteket/Library  Biblioteksorientering/Library introduction  Second group from 10-13. 
04.10.2005Tanja Storsul m fl  Studenterhytta  2-days seminar 4-5 October  Intensive writing seminar 
05.10.2005Tanja Storsul m fl  Studenterhytta  2-days seminar 4-5 October  Intensive writing seminar 
25.10.2005Tanja Storsul  Seminarrom 205  Respons til andres beskrivelser/Respond to other student's drafts  Second obligatory assignmnent is a written respons to another student's draft project description.

3 documents: respons to other student's draft project description, the draft description you respond to + your reading list. Deadline 28 October. 

01.11.2005      First optional deadline for project descriptions.

Documents: Description + "no cheating form". 

10.12.2005      Deadline for project descriptions.

Documents: Description + "no cheating form". 

Published June 30, 2005 5:24 PM - Last modified Aug. 26, 2005 11:37 AM