What is a master's thesis

In this short video, Anders talks about the parts of a master's thesis.

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A thesis is a written report of original research, up to 100 pages. You should aim for 80.

A common outline is this (but many variations are possible):

  1. Introduction with research question
  2. Earlier research/theory
  3. Theory/method
  4. Analysis
  5. Conclusion

There are two kinds of master theses: The theoretical, written master's thesis (most common), and the practical-theoretical thesis, where the student creates a media product which counts for half of the work.

It is possible to write together with another student.

Check out a thesis or two

It would be smart at this point to browse earlier theses submitted at the Department of Media and Communication. You can find all earlier theses in DUO, UiO's digital repository. Here's what you can do:

  1. Browse the list
  2. Read the summaries of those that interest you
  3. Download a thesis
  4. Look at the outline. Is it similar to the standard one written above?
  5. Read the thesis. You need to familiarize yourself with the genre.
Tags: Master thesis By Anders Fagerjord
Published Aug. 25, 2011 12:36 PM - Last modified Aug. 25, 2011 12:39 PM