Finding a research topic

Selecting a topic for your thesis can be difficult, but the best is just to do it. Find a topic that interests you. That way, you can keep motivated. Here are some tips to help you.

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  • Go through the list of suggested thesis topics from University researchers. Which would be fun and interesting to do?
  • What are your favorite films, TV shows or web sites?
  • What about media studies excites you?
  • What are your favourite (academic) books or articles?
  • What kind of job would you like to have five years from now? Is there any skills you need for that kind of job, or any area of knowledge you need to know in detail?

Answering these questions may help you to find a good topic.

Tags: Thesis topic By Anders Fagerjord
Published Sep. 7, 2011 3:02 PM - Last modified Sep. 7, 2011 3:04 PM