
Bøker / verk

Brown, Royal S.: Overtones and Undertones: Reading Film Music (Berkeley/Los Angeles/London, University of California Press, 1994) , s.1-37, s.148-234, 123 s.

Bull, Michael (2000) Sounding out the city: personal stereos and the management of everyday life. Oxford: Berg. (195 sider)

Gorbman, Claudia Unheard Melodies: Narrative Film Music (London, BFI Publishing, 1987) 163s

Gracyk, Theodore (1996) Rhythm and noise: an aesthetics of rock. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press. (199 sider, Ikke kapittel 7 og 8)

Gripsrud (red.) Populærmusikken i kulturpolitikken. Oslo: Norsk kulturråd. (200 sider utdrag. Ikke bidragene til Simonsen, Brandstad, Berkaak og Gripsrud)

Kassabian, Anahid Hearing Film: Tracking Identifications in Contemporary Hollywood Film Music (New York and London, Routledge, 2001) 148 s.

Larsen, Peter. (2005) Filmmusikk. Historie, analyse, teori. Oslo:Universitetsforlaget. (239 s.)

Pensum i kompendium

Adorno, Theodor W. (1979 [1939?]) ”Om populärmusik”, i Kritisk teori : en introduktion - Theodor W. Adorno ... [et al.] ; redaktör: John Burill

Adorno, Theodor og Hans Eisler (1994 [1947]): Composing for the Films (London & Atlantic Highlands, The Athlone Press, kap. 1 “Prejudices and Bad Habits” s. 3-20, 17 s.

Cohen, Annabel J.(2001): “Music as a Source of Emotion in Film” i Juslin, Patrik N. og John A. Sloboda (red.) Music and Emotion: Theory and Research (New York, Oxford University Press, s. 249-274), 25 s.

Benjamin, Walter (1991 [1936]) ”Kunstverket i reproduksjonsalderen”, in Kunstverket i reproduksjonsalderen. Oslo: Gyldendal

Barnes, Ken (1990) “Top 40 Radio: A Fragment of the Imagination”, in Simon Frith (ed.) Facing the music : essyas on pop, rock and culture. London: Mandarin. S. 8-50

Björnberg, Alf (1994) “Structural Relationships of Music and Images in Music Video”, in Popular Music vol. 13 no. 1, pp. 51-74.

Brownrigg, Mark and Peter Meech (2002) “From Fanfare to Funfair: The Changing Sound World of UK Television Idents”, in Popular Music vol. 21 no. 3, pp. 345-355.

Danielsen, Anne (1997) “His Name Was Prince: A Study of Diamonds and Pearls”, in Popular Music vol. 16 no. 3, pp. 275-291.

Frith, Simon (1986) “Art versus technology: the strange case of popular music”, in Media, Culture & Society vol. 8, pp. 263-279.

Frith, Simon (1988) “The Pleasures of the Hearth: The Making of BBC Light Entertainment”, in Simon Frith (ed.) Music for pleasure. London: Polity Press.

Frith, Simon (1988) “The Real Thing - Bruce Springsteen”, in Simon Frith (ed.) Music for pleasure. London: Polity Press.

Frith, Simon (2002) “Look! Hear! The uneasy relationship of music and television”, in Popular Music vol. 21 no. 3, pp. 277-290.

Frith, Simon (1990) ”Video Pop: Picking Up the Pieces”, in Simon Frith (ed.) Facing the music : essyas on pop, rock and culture. London: Mandarin. S. 88-130

Haga, Thor Joachim (2004): “Over the Moon: Musical Snapshots in E.T.” Upublisert manuskript. 8 s.

Jones, Steve (2000) “Music and the Internet”, in Popular Music vol. 19 no. 2, pp. 217-230.

Jones, Steve (2002) “Music that moves: Popular Music, Distribution and Network Technologies”, in Cultural Studies vol. 16 no. 2, pp. 213-232.

Langkjær, Birger “Den lyttende tilskuer. Om musik, perception og følelser i audiovisuel fiktion” i Norsk Medietidsskrift (nr. 1, 1998, s. 40-58), 18 s.

Larsen, Peter: “Betydningsstrømme – Musik og moderne billedfiktioner” i Studia Musicologica Norvegica: Norsk årsskrift for musikkforsking (nr. 14, 1988, s. 19-52), 33 s.

Larsen, Peter (1988) ”Musik og TV-fiktion, eller hvad bestiller Jan Hammer egentlig i Miami?”, i MedieKultur nr. 9, s. 50-69. McCourt, Tom & Patrick Burkart (2003) “When creators, corporations and consumers collide: Napster and the development of on-line music distribution”, in Media, Culture & Society vol. 25 no. 3, pp. 333-350.

Maasø, Arnt (2001) “’This Goes to Eleven’: ‘High’ and ‘Low’ Sound in Television”, in Staffan Ericson & Espen Ytreberg (eds.) Fjernsyn mellom høy og lav kultur. Kristiansand: Høgskoleforlaget.

Reay, Pauline (2004): ”Synergy and the commercial functions of film music” i Music and Film: Soundtracks and Synergy (London, Wallflower Press, s. 89-110), 21 s.

Deles ut på forelesning:Danielsen, Anne og Maasø, Arnt. (2006): The materiality of Mediating Music. Upublisert manuskript. (ca. 15 s.)

Publisert 24. okt. 2006 10:08 - Sist endret 12. des. 2006 13:02