
Published Nov. 25, 2013 11:25 AM

Hello everybody,

It has been a pleasure teaching you and now we need you feedback. You will receive a web questionnaire shortly that asks you to evaluate MEVIT4800. It is very important that we get your opinion, the evaluation will be used to improve the course. Please fill in the form by 1.12.

Kind regards,

Eli & Ingeborg

Published Sep. 13, 2013 12:27 PM

Torsdag 26. september flyttes seminaret til Seminarrom 9, i P.A Munchs hus. Seminarrommet ligger i samme gang som HF-studieinfo. 14.15 - 16.00

- Haakon Berg Johnsen

Published June 7, 2013 11:41 AM

New master students are welcomed to MEVIT4800 Perspectives and methods in media research. We look forward to seeing you all in August!

The teaching plan/schedule is now published and the reading list will be uploaded soon. In addition to the lectures listed here, note that the lecture on Research ethics and referencing, given in MEVIT4000 is mandatory for MEVIT4800 students, too. TIme and place will be announced later.

Note that the course builds on MEVIT2800 Metode i medievitenskap or similar methods knowledge. If you do not have any previous knowledge of research methods, make sure that you read either Davies, Máire Messenger & Nick Mosdell (2006) Practical Research Methods for Media and Cultural Studies, Athens: The University of Georgia Press or (in Norwegian) Østbye, Helge, Knut Helland, Karl Knapskog og Leif Ove Larsen (2002) Metode for mediefag, Fagbokforlaget, before starting on MEVIT4800.