Information about the exam

Duration: Tuesday 28 April 09.00 - Wednesday 29 April 09.00

The exam takes place in Inspera.

General information:

  • You will answer each question in a text editor, directly into Inspera. This means that there are no maximum or minimum numbers of pages you will have to write, as you will not need to upload a document for each question.
  • You are allowed to use the course literature, and will have to provide references and a bibliography to go along with your answer. The bibliography will have to be written in a separate document, and then uploaded as a pdf. format in a designated submission folder at the end of the exam.  This means that you will only have to upload one document during the exam, and that is the bibliography.
  • We advise you to use in-text-citation for your answers, as this is the most efficient manner to reference in the text editor you will have to submit your answers in.
  •  If you are unsure of how to use sources and citations properly, please consult the University library's resource page, or the Search and Write webpage.
  • You can answer in English, Norwegian, Swedish or Danish.


  • Read the questions carefully.
  • Answer all questions. If a question has subquestions (for instance a, b, c... etc), you must also answer all of these in order to have answered the whole task.
  • There are no trick questions. If the question asks for a definition, give a definition. Not half a page of text.
  • You are allowed to reference to lecture slides in answering the questions. Iris has posted on Canvas how to do that (in terms of APA style format)
  • There are practice exam questions on Canvas under week 9, where you can get an idea of the level of detail the exam questions will be.

Iris Beau Segers  ( can be contacted through e-mail, and will answer questions regarding the exam submitted on Tuesday 28 April by 12:00. Questions will generally be answered by the end of the day.

The student administration at IMK is available for technical aid, and will help you if you have any queries about the submission. We can be contacted on: 

Good luck!

Published Apr. 21, 2020 1:37 PM - Last modified Apr. 21, 2020 1:37 PM