
Følgende bøker er obligatoriske:

Everett, Walter (ed.) (2000) Expression in Pop-Rock Music (Garland), 372 sider.

Frith, Simon (1996) Performing Rites (Oxford), 352 sider.

Hawkins, Stan (2002) Settling the Pop Score: Pop texts and identity politics (Aldershot: Ashgate), 220sider.

Middleton, Richard (1990) Studying Popular Music (Milton Keynes: Open University Press), 328 sider.

Middleton, Richard (2000) Reading Pop: Approaches to Textual Analysis in Popular Music (Oxford), 388sider.

Moore, Allan (ed) (2003) Analyzing Popular Music (Cambridge University), 270sider.

Negus, Keith (1996) Popular Music in Theory: An introduction (Polity), 243 sider.

Følgende kan studentene etter eget valg velge av etterhvert som de finner hva de skal fordype seg i (for å nok pensumsider):

Danielsen, Anne (2001) Presence and Pleasure: a study in the funk grooves of James Brown and Parliament (Faculty of Arts: Oslo), Kapittel 8,9 & 10, ca 60 sider.

Fast, Susan (2000) In the houses of the Holy (Oxford), 247 sider.

Krims, Adam (2000) Rap Music and the Poetics of Identity (Cambridge), 217 sider.

Neal, Mark Anthony (1999) What the Music said: Black Popular Music and Black Public Culture (Routledge), 288 sider.

Skårberg, Odd (2003) Da Elvis kom til Norge: Stilbevegeler, verdier og historiekonstruksjon i rocken fra 1955 til 1960 (Faculty of Arts: Oslo), 267 sider.

Warner, Tim (2003) Pop Music – Technology and Creativity: Trevor Horn and the digital revolution (Ashgate), 172 sider.

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Publisert 25. okt. 2005 12:26 - Sist endret 31. jan. 2006 17:59