
NB! Fellespensum for MUS2005 og MUS4005 er å finne på pensumsiden for MUS2005

Aksnes, Hallgjerd: Perspectives of Musical Meaning: A Study Based on Selected Works by Geirr Tveitt, 2002. Unipub AS. ISBN: ISSN 0806-3222. Chapter 9: Music Listening: A Matter of Body and Mind. Perspectives from Cognitive Neuroscience, s. 285-303.

Bregman, A. S.: Auditory Scene Analysis, 1990. MIT Press. Chapter 1: The Auditory Scene, s. 1-45.

Damasio, A. R.: The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness, 1999. Harcourt Brace & Company. Appendix: Notes on Mind and Brain, s. 317-335.

Godøy, R. I. : Cross-Modality and Conceptual Shapes and Spaces in Music Theory, 1999. ASCO Art & Science. I I. Zannos (red.): Music & Signs: Semiotic and Cognitive Studies in Music, s. 85-98.

Guck, M.: Musical Images as Musical Thoughts: The Contribution of Metaphor to Analysis, 1981. In Theory Only, vol. 5, no. 5. s. 29-42.

Guck, M.: Two Types of Metaphoric Transfer, 1991. Gordon and Breach Publishers. I J. Kassler (red.): Metaphor: A Musical Dimension, s. 1-12..

Honing, H.: The Comeback of systematic Musicology: new Empiricism and the cognitive Revolution, 2004. Tijdschrift voor Muziektheorie, vol. 9, no. 3, s. 241-244..

Krumhansl, Carol L.: Music Psychology and Music Theory: Problems and Prospects, 1995. Music Theory Spectrum. vol. 17, no. 1, Spring 1995, s. 53-80.

Larson, S.: On Rudolf Arnheim’s Contribution to Music Theory, 1993. Journal of Aesthetic Education, vol. 27, no. 4, Winter 1993, s. 97-104.

Larson, S.: Musical Forces, Step Collections, Tonal Pitch Space, and Melodic Expectation, 1994. Proceedings from 3rd ICMPC, s. 227-229.

Zbikowski, L.: Metaphor and Music Theory: Reflections from Cognitive Science, 1998. Music Theory Online, vol. 4.1.

Zbikowski, L.: Des Herzraums Abschied: Mark Johnson’s Theory of Embodied Knowledge, 1997-98. Theory and Practice, vol. 22-23, s. 1-16.

Publisert 7. mars 2005 18:49 - Sist endret 8. apr. 2005 01:01