

Halvorsen, K. and Stjernø, S. (2008) Work, Oil and Welfare: The Welfare State in Norway. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

You must buy this book, all other articles are available in the compendia, handed out for free first day of classes. The book can be bought at Akademika.

Reading list

  • Andersson, M. (2012) “The debate about multicultural Norway before and after 22 July 2011”. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, Vol. 19 (4); pp. 418-427 (10 pages).
  • Angell, Olav Helge (2010) “Sacred Welfare Agents in Secular Welfare Space: The Church of Norway in Drammen” in (Eds.) Bäckström, Anders and Grace Davie. Welfare and Religion in 2ast Century Europe: Volume 1: Configuring the Connections. Farnham: Ashgate; pp. 57-75 (19 pages)
  • Brochmann, G. and Djuve A.B. (2013) “Chapter 9: Multiculturalism or Assimilation? The Norwegian Welfare State Approach” in Debating Multiculturalism in the Nordic Welfare States. Kivisto and Wahlbeck (eds.) Palgrave Macmillan; pp. 219 – 245.
  • Brochmann, G. and Hagelund. A. (2011) “Migrants in the Scandinavian Welfare State. The Emergence of a Social Policy Problem”. Nordic Journal of Migration Research. Vol. 1 (1); pp 13-24. (11 pages).
  • Chan, T. W., Birkelund, G. E., Aas, A. K. and Wiborg, Ø. (2011) “Social Status in Norway”. European Sociological Review, Vol. 27 (4); pp. 451-468. (17 pages).
  • Dølvik, Jon Erik et al. (2015) “Towards 2030” in The Nordic model towards 2030 A new chapter? Oslo: FAFO Report; pp. 137-158 (22 pages).
  • Ellingsæter, A.-E. (2006) “The Norwegian childcare regime and its paradoxes” in (Eds.) Ellingsæter, A. and A. Leira, Politicising Parenthood in Scandinavia: Gender relations in welfare states. Bristol: Policy Press; pp. 121-144. (25 pages)
  • Epland, J. and M.I. Kirkeberg (2012) “Wealth Distribution in Norway: Evidence from a New Register-Based Data Source” Statistics Norway Reports No. 35, 2008.
  • Eriksen, T. H. (2013) “Immigration and National Identity in Norway”, Report for The Transatlantic Council on Migration. (17 pages)
  • Esping-Andersen, G. and Kolberg, J. E. (1991) “Welfare States and Employment Regimes”. International Journal of Sociology. Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 3-35 (32 pages).
  • Eydal, G.B. and T. Rostgaard (2011) “Gender Equality Revisited – Changes in Nordic Childcare Policies in the 2000s”. Social Policy and Administration, Vol. 45 (2); pp. 161-179 (19 pages).
  • Gullestad, M. (2002) “Invisible Fences: Egalitarianism, Nationalism and Racism”. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol. 8, pp. 45-63 (18 pages).
  • Hagelund, A. (2005) “Why It Is Bad to Be Kind. Educating Refugees to Life in the Welfare State: A Case Study from Norway,” Social Policy and Administration, Vol. 39 (6); pp. 669 – 683. (15 pages)
  • Halvorsen, K. and Stjernø, S. (2008) Work, Oil and Welfare. The Welfare State in Norway. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Chapter 1, “From poverty to a welfare state”. (15 pages)
  • Halvorsen, K. and Stjernø, S. (2008) Work, Oil and Welfare. The Welfare State in Norway. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Chapter 2, “Economy, Oil and Wellbeing.”
  • Halvorsen, K. and Stjernø, S. (2008) Work, Oil and Welfare. The Welfare State in Norway. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Chapter 3, “Work, work, work!” (17 pages)
  • Halvorsen, K. and Stjernø, S. (2008) Work, Oil and Welfare. The Welfare State in Norway. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Chapter 5, “Security in old age: protecting the frail and elderly”. (14 pages)
  • Halvorsen, K. and Stjernø, S. (2008) Work, Oil and Welfare. The Welfare State in Norway. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Chapter 4, “Families: At Work?” (16 pages)
  • Halvorsen, K. and Stjernø, S. (2008) Work, Oil and Welfare: The Welfare State in Norway. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Chapter 6, “Health for all!” (17 pages)
  • Halvorsen, K. and Stjernø, S. (2008) Work, Oil and Welfare: The Welfare State in Norway. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Chapter 7, “The ineradicable poverty”. (15 pages)
  • Halvorsen, K. and Stjernø, S. (2008) Work, Oil and Welfare: The Welfare State in Norway. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Chapter 10, “Prostpects and Challenges” (19 pages).
  • Hilson, M. (2008) “Chapter 3: The Nordic Model of Welfare” The Nordic Model: Scandinavia since 1945. London: Reaktion books; pp. 87-115. (29 pages)
  • Imsen, Blossing and Moos (2016) “Reshaping the Nordic education model in an era of efficiency” Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 2016. (16 pages)
  • Lister, R. (2009) “A Nordic Nirvana? Gender, Citizenship, and Social Justice in the Nordic Welfare States”. Social Politics, Vol. 16 (2); pp. 242-278 (37 pages).
  • Marmot, Michael (2015) “Chapter 4: Equity from the Start” in The Health Gap: The Challenge of an Unequal World. London: Bloomsbury Publishing; pp. 111-142 (32 pages)
  • Marshall, T.H. (2006)”Citizenship and Social Class”. In Pierson, Christopher and F. Castles (eds.) The Welfare State Reader. Cambridge: Polity Press; pp. 30-40 (9 pages)
  • Molven, O. and Ferkis, J. (2011) “Organization and Financing of Healthcare Services” in Healthcare, Welfare and Law. Gyldendal akademisk forlag
  • Molven, O. and Ferkis, J. (2011) “The Right to Primary Healthcare” in Healthcare, Welfare and Law. Gyldendal akademisk forlag.
  • Rothstein, Bo. “Quality of Government and the Welfare State” (Ch. 6) in The Quality of Government: Corruption, Social Trust, and Inequality in International Perspective. London: The University of Chicago Press, Ltd., 2011; pp. 120-144
  • Sachs, J. (2011) “Chapter 10: Prosperity Regained” in The Price of Civilization: Reawakening American Virtue and Prosperity. New York: Random House.
  • Sachs, J. (2011) “Chapter 11: Paying for Civilization” (excerpt) in The Price of Civilization: Reawakening American Virtue and Prosperity. New York: Random House; pp.221 – 236.  
  • Summary: "Student Dropout in Upper Secondary Education – A Systematic Review"
  • Siim, B. and P. Stoltz (2013) “Nationalism, Gender and Welfare – The politics of gender equality in Scandinavia”. Freia Working Paper Series, No. 84; pp 5-30 (21 pages).
  • Sørvoll, Jardar (2015) “The Norwegian Welfare State 2005-2015: Public attitudes, political debates and future challenges"
  • Syltevik, L. J. (2010) “Sense and Sensibility: Cohabitation in ‘Cohabitation Land’”. The Sociological Review, Vol. 58 (3); pp. 444-462 (19 pages).
  • Taj, Farhat (2014) “The Status and Role of the Pakistani-Norwegian Mosque: Interfaith Harmony and Women’s Rights in Norway” in (Ed.) Gallo, Ester. Migration and Religion in Europe: Comparative Perspectives on South Asian Experiences. Farnham: Ashgate; pp. 59-76 (18 pages)
  • Teigen, M. (2011) “Gender Quotas on Corporate Boards” in Gender and Power in Nordic Countries – with focus on politics and business. Niskanen, K. (Ed.) NIKK Publications; pp. 87-109 (23 pages).
  • Thun, C. (2012) “Norwegianness as Lived Citizenship: Religious women doing identity work at the intersections of nationality, gender and religion”. Nordic Journal of Religion and Society, Vol. 25 (1); pp. 1-25 (25 pages).
  • Titmuss, R. (2006) “Universalism versus Selection”. In Pierson, Christopher and F. Castles (eds.) The Welfare State Reader. Cambridge: Polity Press; pp. 40-49 (9 pages)
  • Tranøy, Bent Sofus (2008) “Bubble, Bust and More Boom:  The Political Economy of Housing in Norway” Comparative European Politics, Vol. 6; 325 – 345.
  • Tveit, S. (2014) “Educational assessment in Norway” Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice, Vol. 21 (2); pp. 221 – 237.
  • Vassenden, A. (2010) “Untangling the Different Components of Norwegianness”. Nations and Nationalism, Vol. 16 (4); pp. 734-752. (18 pages)
  • Wetterberg, C.C. and K. Melby (2009) “The claim of economic citizenship: the concept of equality in a historical context” in (Eds.) Melby, K., A. Ravn and C.C. Wetterberg. Gender Equality and Welfare Politics in Scandinavia: The limits of political ambition? Bristol: The Policy Press; pp. 43-62 (20 pages).
  • Wilkinson, R. and K. Pickett. “The end of an era” (Ch. 1) and “Poverty or inequality?” (Ch. 2), in The Spirit Level: Why Equality is Better for Everyone. London: Penguin Books Ltd., 2010; pp. 3-30. (28 pages)

Additional Recommended Readings:

  • Andres, Hans-Jürgen & Thorsten Heien. (1999) “Four Worlds of Welfare State Attitudes? A Comparison of Germany, Norway, and the United States” Paper presented at the Conference "Large Scale Data Analysis", Cologne, Germany (May 25-28, 1999) 
  • Berger, Stefan.(1995) European Labour Movements and the European Working Class in Comparative Perspective, Ch. 9 in The Force of Labour: The Western European Labour Movement and the Working Class in the Twentieth Century. Berg Publishers; pp. 245-261.
  • Bieler, Andreas & Ingemar Lindberg. (2011) “Globalization and the New Challenges for Transnational Solidarity: An Introduction, in Lindberg, Ingemar & Andres Bieler. Global Restructuring, Labour and the Challenges for Transnational Solidarity. Routledge; pp. 3-15.
  • Dølvik, Jon Erik et al. (2015) The Nordic model towards 2030 A new chapter? Oslo: Fafo Report; 07, 2015.
  • Hyman, Richard (2011). “Trade Unions, Global Competetion and Options for Solidarity”, Ch. 2 in (ed.) Lindberg, Ingemar & Andres Bieler. Global Restructuring, Labour and the Challenges for Transnational Solidarity. Routledge; pp. 16-29. 
  • Rothstein, Bo. (2005) “Social capital in the social democratic welfare state” (Ch. 4) in Social Traps and The Problem of Trust. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; pp. 71-91. 
  • Skjeie, Hege (2002) “Credo on Difference – Women in Parliament in Norway” in Women in Parliament. Stockholm: International IDEA. (5 pages)
  • Thun, C. (2011) “’Norwegian Women Got Gender Equality Through Their Mothers’ Milk, But Anti-racism Is Another Story’ – An Analysis of Power and Resistance in Norwegian Feminist Discourse”. NORA – Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 37-56 (20 pages).
  • Wetlesen, T.S. (2013) “Work Values in the Second Generation of Gender Equality Pioneers: A Case Study from Norway”. Gender, Work and Organization, Vol. 20 (1); pp. 100-112 (13 pages).
Published May 5, 2017 1:36 PM - Last modified May 5, 2017 1:36 PM