

Arter, David (2008). Scandinavian Politics Today. Second edition. Manchester University Press. Chapter 1-6, 8, 12-13 (253p).

The students must buy this book, available in Akademika bookstore. 

Reading list

Alm, Kristian (2007). “Challenges to Investment Ethics in the Norwegian Petroleum Fund: A Newspaper Debate.” Philosophica 80: 21-43. (22p)

Arter, David (2008). Scandinavian Politics Today. Manchester University Press. Chapter 1-6, 8, 12-13 (253p).

Bjørklund, Tor and Jørgen Goul Andersen (2008). “Scandinavia and the far right.” (26p)

Brandal, Nik, Øivind Bratberg and Dag Einar Thorsen (2013). The Nordic Model of Social Democracy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Chapter 9 (15p). C.

Brochmann, Grete and Knut Kjeldstadli (2008). "Newcomers in the era of the nation state, 1814 to 1940," "Postwar growth and open borders” and "Immigration and  immigrants in the 1970s" (excerpts). 87-109, 192-212 (42p) C.

Brochman, Grete (2011): “Migrants in the welfare state”, in Nordic Journal of Migration Research, vol. 1, issue 1.. (11p)

Christensen, Dag  Arne (1996). “The Left-Wing Opposition in Denmark, Norway and Sweden: Cases of Euro-phobia?” in Western European Politics, 19(3), 525-546 (21p)

Christensen, Dag Arne (1997). “Adaptation of Agrarian Parties in Norway and Sweden”, in Party Politics vol. 3, no. 3. (15p)

Dahl, Ann-Sofie (2006). “Sweden: Once a Moral Superpower, Always a Moral Superpower?” International Journal 61. (15p)

Delhey, Jan and Kenneth Newton (2005). "Predicting Cross-National Levels of Social Trust: Global Pattern or Nordic Exceptionalism?" European Sociological Review, 21(4): 311-327 (16p)

Dolezal, Martin (2010). “Exploring the Stabilization of a Political Force: The Social and Attitudinal Basis of Green Parties in the Age of Globalization”, in Western Politics, vol. 33, no. 3. (18p)

Economist, the (2013). “More money than Thor” (1p).

Economist, the (2010). "The strange death of social-democratic Sweden." (2p)

Economist, the (2011a). “The far right in northern Europe: On the march.” (1p)

Economist, the (2011b). “The Sweden Democrats: Living with the far right.” (1p)

Eriksen, Erik Oddvar (1993). "Norwegian social democracy and political governance." in Anne Cohen Kiel (eds), Continuity and change: aspects of contemporary Norway. (17p) C.

Esping-Andersen, Gøsta. (1990) "Chapter 1: The three political economies of the welfare state” in The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. Cambridge: Polity Press. (25p). C.

Heidar, Knut (2001). Norway: Elites on Trial. C.
"Chapter 1: Small-Scaled, Egalitarian, and Territorially Based." (8p)
"Chapter 2: People, Society and History." (20p)

Heidar, Knut (2004). Nordic Politics: Comparative Perspectives. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. C.
”Chapter 1: State and Nation-building in the Nordic Area” (15p)
“Chapter 4 (by Oddbjørn Knutsen): Voters and Social Cleavages” (21p)

Hilson, Mary (2008). The Nordic Model: Scandinavia Since 1945. C.
“Introduction: The Historical Meanings of Scandinavia” (14p)
“Chapter 5: Equality, Ethnicity, and Multiculturalism” (29p)

Hylland Eriksen, Thomas (1993). "Being Norwegian in a Shrinking World: Reflections on Norwegian Identity." In Anne Cohen Kiel (eds), Continuity and Change: Aspects of Modern Norway. Scandinavian University Press. (ca 10p)

Hylland Eriksen (2006). “Diversity versus difference: Neo-liberalism in the minority debate», in Rottenburg et al. (eds), The Making and Unmaking of Difference. (7p)

Høyre (2014a). “The Conservative Party of Norway” (ca 20 pages)

Karvonen, Lauri (1993). “In From the Cold? Christian Parties in Scandinavia”, in Scandinavian Political Studies, bind 16, no. 1. (21p)

Kircher, Emil J. (1988). Liberal parties in Western Europe. C.
“Introduction” (16p)
“Chapter 12 (by Jørn Y. Leiphart and Lars Svåsand): The Norwegian Liberal Party: from political pioneer to political footnote.” (22p)

Kumlin, S. and B. Rothstein (2005). “Making and Breaking Social Capital: The Impact of Welfare-State Institutions”, in Comparative Political Studies, vol 38.  (26p)

Kristelig folkeparti (2014a): History.

Kristelig folkeparti (2014b): Our values and ideology

Kymlicka, Will (2010). "The rise and fall of multiculturalism? New debates on inclusion and accomodation in diverse societies." in International Social Science Journal, vol 61, issue 199, pages 97-112 (15p)

Mair, Peter & Cas Mudde (1998): 'The party family and its study', Annual review of political science 1: 211-29 (18p).

Meyer, Henning (2010). "European Social Democracy in Crisis", Political Insight, vol. 1, issue 2. (2p)

Modood, Tariq (2007). “Chapter 1: Is Multiculturalism Appropriate for the 21st century?,” in Multiculturalism: a civic idea, Polity Press, Cambridge, pp 1-20 (20p) C.

Senterpartiet (2014). History of the Centre Party. (2p)

Stortinget (2014). 1814 – The Incredible Year (15p)

Therborn, Göran (1992). "A unique chapter in the history of democracy: the Social Democrats in Sweden", in Molin et al. (eds.), Creating social democracy: a century of the Social Democratic Labor Party in Sweden. (32p) C.

Putnam, Robert D. (2007). “E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and Community in the Twenty-first Century. The 2006 Johan Skytte Prize Lecture” in Scandinavian Political Studies, vol. 30, no. 2 (37p)

Urwin, Derek (1997). “The Norwegian party system from the 1880s to the 1990s” (excerpts, 47-59) in (eds.) Kåre Strøm and Lars Svasand Challenges to Political Parties: The Case of Norway. University of Michigan Press. (12p) C.

Venstre (2014). “Venstre: Putting People First» (5p)

Von Beyme, Klaus (1985). Political Parties in Western Europe. (excerpts, C.). “Conservative parties”, pp 46-59 (13p) C.

Widfeldt, Anders (2010) “A fourth phase of the extreme right? Nordic immigration-critical parties in a comparative context”, NORDEUROPAforum 20, 1-2: 7-31. (25p)

Wollebæk Dag, et al. "After Utøya: How a High-Trust Society Reacts to Terror—Trust and Civic Engagement in the Aftermath of July 22." PS: Political Science & Politics 45.01 (2012): 32-37 (5p)

Total: 931 pages.

Optional/recommended readings

Bengtsson, Åsa, Kasper M. Hansen, Olafur P. Hardarson, Hanne Marthe Narud, and Henrik Oscarsson (2014). The Nordic Voter: Myths of Exceptionalism. Colchester: ECPR Press.

Hedetoft, Ulf (2010). "Denmark versus multiculturalism", in Vertovec and Wessendorf (eds), The Multiculturalism Backlash. pp 111-129 (18p)

Høyre (2014). “Political Platform for a Government formed by the Conservative party and the Progress party: Sundvolden, 7 October 2013.”

Kalyvas, Stathis N. and Kees van Kersbergen (2010). “Christian Democracy”, in the Annual Review of Political Science, vol 13: 183-209. (26p)

Kirchick, James (2011). “Slandering the Progress party: Norway’s opposition isn’t extremist.” The Weekly Standard 16, no. 44.

Langsæther, Peter Egge (2013). The Challenge of Immigration: Diversity, Community, and the Welfare State. Essay in STV4348B, autumn 2013. (20p) (Fronter)

Langsæther, Peter Egge (2014). Class Voting and Value Orientations: The fourth generation. Master’s thesis, Department of Political Science, University of Oslo. (Fronter)

Levey Brahm, Geoffrey and Tariq Modood (2009). "Chapter 10: Liberal democracy, multicultural citizenship and the Danish cartoon controversy", in Geoffrey Brahm Levey and Tariq Modood (eds), Securalism, Religion and Multicultural Citizenship. pp 216-243 (17p) C.

Mouritsen, Per (????) "Chapter 5: The particular universalism of a Nordic civic nation. Common values, state religion and Islam in Danish political culture." 70-89 (19p)

C = compendium

Published May 12, 2016 12:12 PM - Last modified July 19, 2018 3:05 PM