
Reading List

Bergius, M., Benjaminsen, T. A., & Widgren, M. (2018). Green economy, Scandinavian investments and agricultural modernization in Tanzania. Journal of Peasant Studies, 45(4), 825–852.

Buseth, J. T. (2017). The green economy in Tanzania: From global discourses to institutionalization. Geoforum, 86, 42-52

Chant, S. Re-thinking the “Feminization of poverty” in relation to aggregate Gender Indices. Journal of human development. Vol 7, no. 2. 201-220. 20 pages.

Hesselberg, J. 2010. Becoming poor in Ghana. Ghana Journal of Geography Vol. 7(1), 2015 Pages 97 – 108. 12 pages.

Hesselberg, J. & J.A. Yaro. 2006. An assessment of the extent and causes of food insecurity in northern Ghana using a livelihood vulnerability framework. GeoJournal, Vol. 67. 41-55. 15 pages.  

Holmen, H. 2015. Is land grabbing always what it is supposed to be? Large-scale land investments in sub-Saharan Africa. Development Policy Review, 2015, 1-22. 22 pages.

ILO. 2017. World social protection report 2017-2019. Geneva. 215 pages.

Jensen, Kari B. 2013a. “Child slavery and the fish processing industry in Bangladesh”. Focus on Geography, Vol. 56 (2), pp. 54-65. 12 pages.

Jensen, Kari B. 2015a. “Female Child Domestic Workers' Limited Agency: Working and Living in the Private Homes of Employers in Bangladesh”. In: Freeman, C. and Tranter, P. (eds) Risk, protection, provision and policy, Vol. 12 in Skelton, T. (editor-in-chief) Geographies of Children and Young People, Springer, Singapore. 16 pages.

 Jensen, Kari B. 2015b. “Learning Skills, Building Social Capital, and Getting an Education: Actual and Potential Advantages of Child Domestic Work in Bangladesh.” In: Abebe, T. and Waters, J. (eds) Work and education—labouring and learning, Vol. 10 in Skelton, T. (editor-in-chief) Geographies of Children and Young People, Springer, Singapore. 22 pages.

Jensen, Kari B. 2020. “Colorism in Bangladeshi Society”. Focus on Geography, Vol. 63(2). 7 pages.

Koch, S. 2015. From Poverty Reduction to Mutual Interests? The debate on Differentiation in EU Development Policy. Development policy review 33 (4) 479-502. 24 pages.

McKay, J. Ch. 2: Reassessing Development Theory: Modernization and Beyond, in Kingsbury, D et al. Key Issues in Development 2004, 45-66. 22 pages.

Narayanan, S. 2011. A case for reframing the cash transfer debate in India. Economic and Political Weekly, May 21, Vol. 46, No. 21. 41-48. 8 pages.

Roelen, K., Longhurst, D. & R. Sabates-Wheeler. 2018. The role of cash transfers in social protection, humanitarian response and shock-responsive social protection. IDS Working Paper, No. 517. 3-26. 24 pages.

Stewart, F., Ranis, G. & E. Samman. 2018.  Advancing human development. Theory and practice, p 1-25. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 25 pages.

Tanle, A. 2015. Towards an integrated framework for analysing the links between migration and livelihoods. Norwegian Journal of Geography, Vol. 69, No. 5. 257-264.18 pages.

UNCTAD. 2018. The least developed countries report 2018. Entrepreneurship for structural transformation. Beyond business as usual. Geneva. 170 pages.

UNDP. 2019. Human Development Report 2019. Beyond income, beyond
averages, beyond today: Inequalities in human development in the 21st
century. New York. 350 pages

World Bank. 2018a. Piecing together the poverty puzzle. Poverty and shared prosperity. Washington DC. 195 pages.

World Bank. 2018b. The state of social safety nets. Washington DC. 185 pages.

Yanguas, P. 2018. Why we lie about aid. Development and the messy politics of change, p.1-18. Zed, London. 18 pages.

Yaro, J.A. & J. Hesselberg (eds). 2016a. Adaptation to climate change and variability in rural West Africa, pp. 147-170. Springer International, Switzerland. 24 pages.

Yaro, J.A. & J. Hesselberg (eds). 2016b. Adaptation to climate change and variability in rural West Africa, pp. 239-244 Springer International, Switzerland. 16 pages.


Total 1497 pages

Published May 26, 2020 9:59 AM - Last modified June 22, 2020 9:05 AM