
Ideas of peace and conflict in modern history and philosophy

Kristoffer Liden

  • Barash, D & Charles Webel 2009 Peace and Conflict Studies, chapter 1, Sage Publishing
  • Barash, D (ed) Approaches to Peace – A Reader in Peace Studies, pp 122-127, 228-249, Oxford University Press

Gender and Peace Processes

Torunn Tryggestad and Marita Sørheim-Rensvik

  • Anderlini, Sanam Naraghi (2016) Uncomfortable Truths, Unconventional Wisdoms: Women’s Perspectives on Violent Extremism and Security Interventions, WASL Briefs on Policy and Practice, No.1, March Women’s Alliance For Security Leadership (WASL) (Executive Summary)
  • Kirby, Paul and Laura J. Sheperd (2016) ‘The futures past of the Women, Peace and Security agenda’, International Affairs 92: 2 (2016) 373–392
  • Paffenholz, Thania, Ross, Nick, Dixon, Steven, Sc          hluchter, Anna-Lena and True, Jaqcui (2016), Making Women Count - Not Just Counting Women: Assessing Women’s Inclusion and      Influence on Peace Negotiations, report from Inclusive Peace and Transition Initiative and UN Women (Executive Summary and Key Findings).
  • Tryggestad, Torunn L. (2009) Trick or Treat? The UN and Implementation of Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security, Global Governance 15(4): 539–557

International Migration

Marta Bivand Erdal

  • Carling 2017 “Refugee Advocacy and the meaning of “Migrants”, PRIO Policy Brief (4 pages)
  • Crawley, H et al 2016 “Destination Europe? Understanding the dynamics and drivers of Mediterranean migration in 2015” Unravelling the Mediterranean Migration Crisis (MEDMIG) (p. 6-35)
  • Koser, K 2007 International Migration – a Very Short Introduction (ch 1 + 2)
  • Diaspora, Development and Peacebuilding
  • Sinatti, G & Cindy Horst 2015 “Migrants as agents of development: Diaspora engagement discourse and practice in Europe”, Ethnicities 15(1): 134–152.
  • Orjuela, C 2008 “Distant warriors, distant peace workers? Multiple diaspora roles in Sri Lanka’s violent conflict”, Global Networks 8 (4).
  • Erdal M & Kristian Stokke 2009 “Contributing to Development? Transnational Activities among Tamils in Norway”, Asia and Pacific Migration Journal 18 (3).
  • Borchgrevink K & Marta Erdal 2015 “Diaspora Development Engagements Seen Through the Prism of Islamic Charity, PRIO Policy Brief, 16. Oslo: PRIO.

Academic reading and writing

Lynn Nygaard

  • Nygard, Lynn P., 2015. ‘Who are you talking to? Defining your audience’, chapter 4, pp 59-78 in Writing for Scholars. A Practical Guide to Making Sense and being Heard. 2nd edition. London: SAGE.
  • Nygard, Lynn P., 2008. ‘What do you want to say? Forming your core argument’, chapter 5, pp. 79-98, in Writing for Scholars. A Practical Guide to Making Sense and being Heard. 2nd edition. London: SAGE.

Religious Nationalism in Ethnically and Religiously Divided States

Marte Nilsen

  • Juergensmeyer, M 2008 Global Rebellion – Religious Challenges to the secular state from Christian militias to Al Qaeda, Introduction and chapter 1, University of California Press.

Natural resources: A blessing or a curse?

Siri Aass Rustad

  • Koubi et al 2013 “No Natural Resources matter for interstate and intrastate armed conflict?” Journal of Peace research 51 (2).
  • Ross, M 2015 “What have we learned about the Resource Curse?” Annual Review of Political Science 18.
  • Rustad S et al 2012 “Building or Spoiling Peace? Lessons from the management of high-value natural resources” chapter in High-Value Natural resources and Peacebuilding ed Lujala & Rustad, Environmental Law Institute and United Nations Environment Programme.

Causes and Dynamics of Conflict Escalation: Concepts and Approaches

Wenche Hauge

  • Dessler, David, 1994. ‘How to Sort Causes in the Study of Environmental Change and Violent Conflict’, pp. 94-112, in Nina Græger & Dan Smith (eds), Environment, Poverty, Conflict.  PRIO Report No. 2/94. Oslo: International Peace Research Institute (18 p)
  • Hauge, Wenche & Tanja Ellingsen, 1998.  ‘Beyond Environmental Scarcity: Causal Pathways to Conflict’, Journal of Peace Research, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 299-319. (20 pp)

Just War Theory

Henrik Syse

  • Amstutz, Mark, 1999. ‘Morality and Foreign Policy’, in Mark Amstutz, ed., International Ethics. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 1-25 (25 p).
  • Fotion, Nicholas, 2000. ‘Reactions to Force: Pacifism, Realism and Just War Theory’, in Andrew Valls, ed., Ethics in International Affairs. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield pp. 1-12  (12 p).
  • Kristoffer Lidén and Henrik Syse, «The Politics of Peace and Law”, i: Promoting Peace through International Law (eds. Cecilia Baillet and Kjetil M. Larsen, Oxford UP

Does inequality lead to conflict? From vertical to horizontal concepts and measurement

Solveig Hillesund

  • Cederman et al 2011 «Horizontal Inequality and Ethnonationalist Civil War: A Global Comparison” American Political Science Review 105 (3)
  • Østby 2013 «Inequality and Political violence: A review of the literature” International Area Studies Review 16 (2)
  • Stewart 2002 «Horizontal Inequalities: A neglected Dimension of Development” QEH Working Paper Series – QEHWPS81

Climate change: Consequences for conflict, human security, and political stability

Todd Graham Smith

  • Kelley, C. P et al 2015 “Climate change in the Fertile Crescent and implications of the recent Syrian drought” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112 (11)
  • Adger, W. N., et al 2014 “Human Security”. In C. B. Field, V. R. Barros, D. J. Dokken, K. J. Mach, M. D. Mastrandrea, T. E. Bilir, … L. L. White (Eds.), Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Part A: Global and Sectoral Aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (pp. 755–791).
  • Gleditsch, N. P., & Nordås, R. 2014 “Conflicting messages? The IPCC on conflict and human security” Political Geography, 43, 82–90.
  • Salehyan, I. 2014 “Climate change and conflict: Making sense of disparate findings” Political Geography, 43, 1–5
  • Buhaug, H. (2015). Climate–conflict research: some reflections on the way forward. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 6(3), 269–275.

The humanitarianization of everything?

Kristin Sandvik

  • Barnett, Michael N. "Humanitarian governance." Annual Review of Political Science 16 (2013): 379-398.
  • Sandvik, Kristin Bergtora, and Kjersti Lohne. "The rise of the humanitarian drone: giving content to an emerging concept." Millennium 43.1 (2014): 145-164.
  • Sandvik, Kristin Bergtora. "Humanitarian innovation, humanitarian renewal?" Forced Migration Review (2014): 25-27.
  • Kennedy, D 2006 Reassessing international humanitarianism: the dark sides.
Published May 16, 2017 3:24 PM - Last modified May 16, 2017 3:24 PM