
Published Jan. 17, 2018 12:34 PM

The grading commission consisted of Stener Ekern and Ådne Valen-Sendstad. Please contact Ådne if you would like to receive additional feedback on your result.

Contact information Ådne:

Published Sep. 1, 2017 5:46 PM
Published Aug. 28, 2017 4:18 PM

The following article has now been taken out of the syllabus:

Ekern, Stener. "Visions of the Right Order. Contrasts between Mayan Communitarian Law in Guatemala and International Human Rights Law". In: Lone Lindholt and Sten Schaumberg-Müller (eds.), Human Rights in Development Yearbook 2003. Human Rights and Local/living Law. Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2004, pp 267-291 (24 pp).

The following article has been taken in and replaces the one above:

Ekern, Stener. "Towards a Mayan Theory of Human Rights: Sacred Equilibria and the Consequences of Disrespect". In Nordic Journal of Human Rights, 34:4 (2016), pp 272-288. ...