Syllabus/achievement requirements

Articles marked with an asterisc (*) are compiled in a compendium which can be purchased from Gnist Akademika bookstore (Domus Nova), Law faculty.

Read more about how to download electronic articles in syllabus.

Required reading:

  • *Chanock, Martin, “Culture and human rights: orientalising, occidentalising and authenticity”, in Mahmood Mamdani (ed.), Beyond Rights Talk and Cultural Talks. Comparative Essays on the Politics of Rights and Culture, Cape Town: David Phillips Publishers, 2000, ch 1. (22 pp.)
  • *Derman, Bill and Anne Hellum. “Land, Identity and Violence in Zimbabwe", in Bill Derman, Rie Odgaard and Espen Sjaastad(eds.), Conflicts over Land and Water in Africa, James Curry 2007, pp 161-186. (25 pp.)
  • *Eide, Asbjørn, “Citizenship and International Human Rights Law” in Nils A. Butenschøn, Uri Davis, Manuel Hassassian (eds.), Citizenship and the State in the Middle East, New York: Syracuse University Press, 2000, pp. 88-122. (35 pp.)
  • *Eide, Asbjørn, “Cultural Autonomy: Concepts, Content, History and Role in the World Order”, in Markku Suksu (ed.), Autonomy: Applications and Implications, The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 1998, pp. 251-276. (26 pp.)
  • *Ekern, Stener, “Visions of the Right Order: Contrasts between Mayan Communitarian Law in Guatemala and International Human Rights Law” in Lone Lindholt and Sten Schaumberg-Müller (eds.), Human Rights in development Yearbook 2003. Human Rights and Local/Living Law, Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2005, pp 265-290. (25 pp.)
  • *Gellner, David, “From group rights to individual rights and back: Nepalese struggles over culture and identity” in Cowan, Jane K, Marie Bénédicte Dembour and Richard A. Wilson: Culture and Rights. Anthropological Perspectives, Cambridge University Press, 2001, pp 177-200. (23 pp).
  • *Lijphart, A, “Majority rule versus democracy in deeply divided societies”, Politikon, vol. 4, 1977, no. 2, pp. 113-126. (14 pp.)
  • *Scheinin, Martin, “How to Resolve Conflicts between Individual and Collective Rights?”, in Martin Scheinin and Reetta Toivanen (eds.), Rethinking Non-Discrimination and Minority Rights, Åbo/Turku: Institute for Humar Rights, Åbo Akademi, 2004, pp 2189-38. (20 pp).

Total: 637 pp

Published May 14, 2013 10:11 AM - Last modified Sep. 16, 2013 3:09 PM