
Published Apr. 27, 2012 4:52 PM

Grading result - contact info:

Graders for the 4-hour examination was Bård Anders Andreassen and Einar Øverby. Students may contact Bård Andreassen in order to have the result and/or grounds for the grade (NB! the total grade, not the separate exams). Candidates can send an e-mail or phone. (,22842003).Students must ask for grounds and/or grading result within one week after the posting of the grading result.

Published Mar. 27, 2012 7:02 PM

The 4 hour written exam

The 4 hour written exam takes place in room 382 Domus NOVA- Remember to meet 08.30 for book check- (the exam starts at 10.00)- and a valid identifiction document with a picture.

Please read carefully the regulation for support materials admitted:

Published Mar. 12, 2012 4:10 PM

Re exam

The exam will be posted in Fronter and on the semester page at 16.00 am, March 12. Submission deadline will be March 19. before 16.00 am.

Published Jan. 31, 2012 10:29 AM

Retake of lecture

Prof. Bård Andressen will retake his lecture on February 1 February ( as he had to cancel the lecture 3o January due to illness) Please note that all lectures in this course will take place in the seminar room at NCHR instead of Domus Nova, unless other message is given.

Published Jan. 24, 2012 9:53 PM

Revised course outline

Please note that the reading material for the 2- 4 lectures are revised

Published Jan. 18, 2012 2:11 PM

Regarding course outline and syllabus and compendium

Please note that the Course outline and Syllabus have been updated per 16 January 2012. Note in particular the changes in the readings for the lecture of D. Banik ( February 16). The course Outline indicate advised reading for all lectures. The compendium is for sale in the bookshop Gnist but the course code on the compendium is Humr5701( = Humr5702).There are some articles in the in the compendium which is not longer on the reading list,sold to a reduced price.

welcome to the course!

Published Nov. 22, 2011 9:55 PM


Delivery date for the assignment will be 19 March (12- 19 March), and the date for the 4 hour written exam will be 29 March. (further information will be available later)