Syllabus - reading requirements

Articles and extracts from books marked with an asterisk (*) are available in a compilation of texts (kompendium) which can be purchased from Gnist Akademika bookstore at the Law Faculty (Domus Nova building).

Required readings


  1. Acemoglu, Daron & James A Robinson. Why Nations Fails. The Origin of Power, Prosperity and Poverty. London: Profile Book, 2012. Chs. 1,2 and 15 (102 pp.). and
  2. Balakrishnan, Radhika, James Heintz and Diane Elson. Rethinking Economic Policy for Social Justice. The Radical Potential of Human Rights. London. Routledge, 2016. Chs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. (84 pp).
  3. Hickey, Sam and Diana Mitlin (eds.). Rights-Based Approaches to Development. Exploring the Potential and Pitfall. Kumarian Press, 2009. Chs. 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12 (112 pp).



  1. Act Alliance, “Shrinking Political Space of Civil Society Action”, London, Action Alliance, 2011. Part 1, pp. 1-20 (20 pp.)
  2. Caney, Simon, ‘Climate Change, Human Rights and Moral Thresholds,’ in Stephen Humphreys (ed.), in Human Rights and Climate Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010, pp.69-90 (22 pp).
  3. Crawford, Gordon and Bård A. Andreassen, “Human Rights and Development: Putting Power and Politics at the Center”, in Human Rights Quarterly, Vol 37, No 3, Aug 2015 (28 pp).
  4. Gauri, Varun and Siri Gloppen, Human Rights Based Approaches to Development: Concepts, Evidence, and Policy. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 5938 (26 pp).

  5. Gilbert, Jeremie and David Keane‚ ‘The New Scramble for Africa: Towards a Human-Rights Based Approach to Large-Scale Land Acquisitions in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Sub-Region,’ in Ben Chigara (ed.), Southern African Development Community Land Issues: Towards a New Sustainable Land Relations Policy. London: Routledge, 2011, pp.144-168(22 pp.).
  6. Gready, P. and Jonathan Ensor (eds.), Reinventing Development? Translating Rights-based Approaches from Theory into Practice. London: Zed Books, 2005. Chapters 2-4 (40 pp).* 
  7. Hayward, Tim, ‘Human Rights versus Emissions Rights: Climate Justice and the Equitable Distribution of Ecological Space,’ in Ethics and International Affairs. Vol.21 (2007), pp.431-450 (19 pp).
  8. Huchzermeyer, Marie, “Forced Evictions and ‘The Right to the City’” in Amnesty International. The Future of Human Rights in an Urban World: Exploring Opportunities, Threats and Challenges. 2014. Pp. 29-35 (6pp).
  9. Hyden, Göran, ‘Making the State Responsive: Rethinking Governance Theory and Practice,’ in Goran Hyden and John Samuel (eds.), Making the State Responsive: Experience with Democratic Governance Assessments. New York: UNDP, 2011, pp. 5-28 (23pp.).
  10. João Biehl, Mariana P. Socal, Joseph J. Amon . The Judicialization of Health and the Quest for State Accountability: Evidence from 1,262 Lawsuits for Access to Medicines in Southern Brazil Health and Human Rights 18/1 (12 pp).
  11. Marks, Stephen, ‘Obligations to Implement the Right to Development,’ in Bård Anders Andreassen and Stephen Marks (eds.), Development as a Human Right: Legal, Political and Economic Dimensions. Antwerp: Intersentia, 2010. pp.71-100 (29 pp.).*     
  12. Ngugi, Joel M., “Making the Link Between Corruption and Human Rights: Promises and Perils” in Proceedings of the Annual Meeting (American Society of International Law), Vol. 104, International Law in a Time of Change (2010), pp. 246-250 (4 pp).
  13. Ommen B, “The promise and challenges of human rights cities” in Oomen B, Davis M, Grigolo M (eds) Global Urban Justice: The Rise of Human Rights Cities. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. Pp 1-19 (19 pp).
  14. Report of the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, and on the right to non-discrimination in this context, Raquel Rolnik (main focus: Mapping and framing security of tenure), UN Doc. A/HRC/22/46. pp.3-22 (19 pp).
  15. Reus-Smit, Christian, «On Rights and Institutions» in CharlesR Beitz and Robert E Gooding (eds): Global Basic Rights. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Ch 2. (24 pp).*
  16. Saiz, Ignacio and Kate Donald, “Tackling Inequality through the Sustainable Development Goals: human rights in practice” in The International Journal of Human Rights, Vol 21, No 8, 2017, (20 pp).
  17. Sano, Hans-Otto, “Does Human Rights-based Development Make a Difference?” in Margot Salomon, Arne Tostensen and Wouter Vandenhole (eds.). Casting the Net Wider: Human Rights, Development and New Duty-bearers. Antewerp, Intersentia, 2017.pp. 63-79 (17pp).*
  18. Savitri Goonesekre, “Civil and Political Rights and Poverty Eradication” in Geraldine Van Bueren. Freedom from Poverty as a Human Right: Law’s Duty to the Poor. Paris: UNESCO Publishing, 2009. Ch. 3, pp. 51-78, (27 pp).
  19. Sen, Amartya, Development as Freedom. New York: Anchor Books, 1999. Introduction, pp.3-11 [8 pages], Ch. 1-2, pp 13-54 (41 pp.)*
  20. Sen, Amartya, “Human Rights and Development” in Bård A. Andreassen and Stephen Marks (eds.) Development as a Human Right. Legal, Political and Economic Dimensions. Antwerp, Intersentia, 2010, ch 1. (9 pp).* 
  21. Senguta, Arjun, “The Human Right to Development” in Bård A. Andreassen and Stephen Marks (eds.) Development as a Human Right. Legal, Political and Economic Dimensions. Antwerp, Intersentia, 2010, ch 2, pp. 13-44 (31pp.).* 
  22. Tostensen, Arne, “The Bretton Woods Institutions: Human Rights and the PRSPs” in Margot E. Salomon, Arne Tostensen and Wouter Vandenhole (eds.). Casting the Net Wider: Human Rights, Development and New Duty-bearers. Antwerp: Intersentia, 2007. (24 pp).*
  23. Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, United Nations. A/RES/70/1 (35 pp).
  24. UN Declaration on the right to development (3 pp).
  25. Van Buren, Geraldine “Fulfilling Law’s Duty to the Poor” in Geraldine Van Bueren. Freedom from Poverty as a Human Right: Law’s Duty to the Poor. Paris: UNESCO Publishing, 2009. Ch 1, pp. 1-20 (20 pp).
  26. Winkler Inga T., and Carmel Williams “The Sustainable Development Goals and human rights: a critical early review” in The International Journal of Human Rights, Vol 21, No 8, 2017, (6 pp).
  27. Wouter Vandenhole and Paul Gready, “Failures and Successes of Human Rights-Based Approaches to Development: Towards a Change Perspective” in Nordic Journal of Human Rights, Volume 32, Issue 4 (2014).( (20 pp)
  28. Yamin, A.E. (2002) Challenges and possibilities for innovative praxis in health and human rights: Reflections from Peru” in  Health and Human Rights, vol. 6 (1) (2002). Pp 35-62 (27 pp).

Total number of pages:  743 (handouts up to 50 pp)


Report of the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, and on the right to non-discrimination in this context, Raquel Rolnik (main focus: Mapping and framing security of tenure), UN Doc. A/HRC/22/46. pp.3-22 (19 pp).

Savitri Goonesekre, “Civil and Political Rights and Poverty Eradication” in Geraldine Van Bueren. Freedom from Poverty as a Human Right: Law’s Duty to the Poor. Paris: UNESCO Publishing, 2009. Ch. 3, pp. 51-78, (27 pp).

Van Buren, Geraldine “Fulfilling Law’s Duty to the Poor” in Geraldine Van Bueren. Freedom from Poverty as a Human Right: Law’s Duty to the Poor. Paris: UNESCO Publishing, 2009. Ch 1, pp. 1-20 (20 pp).

Yamin, A.E. (2002) Challenges and possibilities for innovative praxis in health and human rights: Reflections from Peru” in  Health and Human Rights, vol. 6 (1) (2002). Pp 35-62 (27 pp).

Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, United Nations. A/RES/70/1 (35 pp).

Resolutions and Declarations:

On the right to development

UN Declaration on the right to development

Recent resolution on the right to development

On human rights and corruption:


On human rights defenders


Recommended readings

You can search the articles and e-books in the e-journal database available at the University of Oslo Library. This requires having access to and being logged onto the UiO system. Contact the Law Library, Human Rights if you have problems finding the literature.

Adelman, Simon, ‘Rethinking Human Rights: The Impact of Climate Change on the Dominant Discourse,’ in Human Rights and Climate Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010, pp.159-180

Alston, Philp, ‘Ships Passing in the Night: The Current State of the Human Rights and Development Debate Seen through the Lens of the Millennium Development Goals,’ in Human Rights Quarterly. Vol.27 (2005), pp.755-829.

Amnesty International, The Total Abortion Ban in Nicaragua: Women’s Lives and Health Endangered, Medical Professionals Criminalized. 2009. pp.1-36 [36 pages].

Andreassen, Bård A. and Stephen P. Marks (des) Development as a Human Right. Legal, Political and Economic Dimensions. Antwerp, Intersentia 2010.

Andreassen, Bård A. and Gordon Crawford (eds.), Human Rights, Power and Non-Governmental Action: Comparative analyses of rights-based approaches and civic struggles in development contexts. London: Routledge, 2013.

Andreassen, Bård Anders, ‘Development, Capabilities, Rights: What is New about the Right to Development and a Rights Approach to Development?’ in Morten Bergsmo (ed.), Human Rights and Criminal Justice for the Downtrodden: Essays in Honour of Asbjørn Eide. Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2003, pp.211-232

Banik, Dan, (ed.), Rights and Legal Empowerment in Eradicating Poverty. Farnham: Ashgate, 2008. Chapters 1, pp.11-30 [19 pages]*

Barya, JJB, ‘The New Political Conditionalities of Aid: An Independent View from Africa’, in IDS Bulletin. Vol.24 (1993), pp.16-23

Beetham, David, ‘The Right to Development and Its Corresponding Obligations,’ in Bård Anders Andreassen and Stephen Marks (eds.), Development as a Human Right: Legal, Political and Economic Dimensions. Antwerp: Intersentia, 2010, pp.101-120

Beitz, Charles, Political Theory and International Relations. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1979. Part Three, pp.125-185

Bull, Benedicte, ‘Development Theory Revisited,’ in Dan Banik (ed), Poverty, Politics and Development. Oslo: Fagbokforlaget, 2006, pp.28-52.

Campell, Tom, “Poverty as a Violation of Human Right. Inhumanity or Injustice?” in Thomas Pogge. Freedom from Poverty as a Human Right. Who owns what to the very poor? Oxford University Press and UNESCO Publishing, 2007. Ch 2.

Cheru, Fantu, ‘Goals, Rights and Political Economy: Daring to Break out of the Liberal Ideological Box!’ in Malcolm Langford, Andrew Sumner and Alicia Ely Yamin (eds.), The Millennium Development Goals and Human Rights: Past, Present and Future. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp.484-502

COHRE (ed.), Listening to the Poor? Housing Rights in Nairobi, Kenya. Geneva: COHRE, 2006

COHRE, UN-HABITAT, WaterAid and SDC, Sanitation: A Human Rights Imperative. Geneva: COHRE, 2008

Commission on the Legal Empowerment of the Poor, Making the Law Work for Everyone. 2008. pp.1-39.

Davis, Kevin, Benedict Kingsbury and Sally Engle Merry (eds.), Governance by Indicators: Global Power through Classification and Rankings. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012

Forman, Lisa, Gorik Ooms and Claire E. Brolan, “Rights Language in the Sustainable Development Agenda: Has Right to Health Discourse and Norms Shaped Health Goals?” in International Journal of Health Policy Management, Dec 2015: 799–804.

Gathi, James Thuo, “Defining the Relationship between Human Rights and Corruption” in University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law, Issue 1, Fall 2009.

Gelbspan, Thea and Vijay K. Nagaraj, Seeding Hope? Land in the International Human Rights Agenda Challenges and Prospects. ESCR Net. 2011.

Gready, P. and Jonathan Ensor (eds.), Reinventing Development? Translating Rights-based Approaches from Theory into Practice. London: Zed Books, 2005.

Gready, Paul, ‘Reasons to Be Cautious about Evidence and Evaluation: Rights-based Approaches to Development and the Emerging Culture of Evaluation,’ in Journal of Human Rights Practice. Vol.1 (2009), pp.380-401

Grillo, R. D, ‘Discourses of Development: The View from Anthropology,’ in R. D. Grillo and R. L. Stirrat (eds.), Discourses of Development: Anthropological Perspectives. Oxford: Berg Publishers, 1997, pp.1-33

Hickey, Sam and Diana Mitlin (eds.), Rights, Wrongs and Realities: Exploring the Potential and Pitfalls of Rights-Based Approaches to Development. Stirling, Virginia: Kumarian Press, 2009. Chapter 1

Immanuel Wallerstein. The World System Analysis. An Introduction. Duke University Press, 2004.

Jonsson, Urban, ‘A Human Rights-Based Approach to Programming,’ in Paul Gready and Jonathan Ensor (eds.), Reinventing Development? Translating Rights-based Approaches from Theory into Practice. London: Zed Books, 2005. Chapter 2, pp.47-62.

Joseph, Sarah. Blame it on the WTO? A Human Rights Critique. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011

Kelly, Linda and Lorraine Wapling, Development for All Strategy Mid-Term Review: Report. Canberra: AUSAID, 2013.

Kendrick, Abby, “Measuring Compliance: Social Rights and the Maximum Available Resource Dilemma” in Human Rights Quarterly, Volume 39, No 3, (2017) pp. 657-679.

Loeb, Mitchell, ‘Disability Statistics: An Integral but Missing (and Misunderstood) Component of Development Work,’ in Nordic Journal of Human Rights. Vol.31 (2013), pp.306-325

Malhotra, Rajeev, ‘Towards Implementing the Right to development: A Framework for Indicators and Monitoring Methods,’ in Bård Anders Andreassen and Stephen Marks (eds.), Development as a Human Right: Legal, Political and Economic Dimensions. Antwerp: Intersentia, 2010, pp.245-272

Mann, Jonathan M., Lawrence Gostin, Sofia Gruskin, Troyen Brennan, Zita Lazzarini and Harvey V. Fineberg, ‘Health and Human Rights,’ in Health and Human Rights. Vol.1 (1994), pp.1-23.


Michie, Jonathan. Advanced Introduction to Globalisation. London: Ed Elgar, 2017.

Miller, Hannah, ‘From “Rights-Based” to “Rights-Framed” Approaches: A Social Constructionist View of Human Rights Practice,’ in International Journal of Human Rights. Vol 14 (2010), pp.915-931 [15 pages]

Moene, Karl Ove and Michael Walerstein, Social Democracy as a Development Strategy. University of Oslo Department of Economics Memorandum No. 35/2003. pp.1-29

Mosse, David, ‘The Ideology and Politics of Community Participation: Tank Irrigation Development in Colonial and Contemporary Tamil Nadu,’ in R.D. Grillo and R.L. Stirrat (eds.), Discourses of Development: Anthropological Perspectives. Oxford: Berg Publishers, 1997, pp.255-291

Naval, Claire, Sylvie Walter and Raul Suarez de Miguel (eds.), 'Measuring Human Rights and Democratic Governance: Experiences and Lessons from Metagora - Special Issue', in OECD Journal on Development. Vol.9 (2008)

Nelson, Paul J. and Ellen Dorsey, New Advocacy Rights: Changing Strategies of Development and Human Rights NGOs. Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2008.

Nordic Consulting Group (2012), Mainstreaming Disability in the New Development Paradigm Evaluation of Norwegian Support to Promote the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Oslo: NORAD, 2012. pp.xv-xxiv, pp.14-21, pp.21-25 and pp.75-85 (30 pp.).

Nordic Trust Fund (World Bank), Human Rights and Economics: Tensions and Positive Relationships. 2012.

Nordic Trust Fund (World Bank), Human Rights Impact Assessments. 2013.

Nussbaum, Martha C. Creating Capabilities. The Human Development Approach. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2011

OECD, Paris Declaration and Accra Agenda for Action.

Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Principles and Guidelines for a Human Rights Approach to Poverty Reduction Strategies. Geneva: OHCHR, 2006.

Orkin, Mark, ‘Goal 9: Democratic Governance and Accountable Institutions for Realising Human Rights,’ in Wonhyuk Lim (ed.), One World Goals: Post-2015 Development Agenda. Seoul: Korea Development Institute, 2013

Osmani, S. R., ‘Globalization and the Right to Development: Background and Progress,’ in Bård Anders Andreassen and Stephen Marks (eds.), Development as a Human Right: Legal, Political and Economic Dimensions. Antwerp: Intersentia, 2010, pp.315-337

Pogge, Thomas, “Severe Poverty as a Human Rights Violation” in Thomas Pogge. Freedom from Poverty as a Human Right. Who owns what to the very poor? Oxford University Press and UNESCO Publishing, 2007. Ch 1.

Rajkumar, Andrew Sunil and Vinaya Swaroop, ‘Public Spending and Outcomes: Does Governance Matter?’ in Journal of Development Economics. Vol.86 (2002), pp.96-111

Rioux, Marcia H. and Christopher A. Riddle, ‘Values in Disability Policy and Law: Equality,’ in Marcia H. Rioux, Lee Ann Basser and Melinda Jones (eds.), Critical Perspectives on Human Rights and Disability Law. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2011, pp.37-57 [21 pages]

Rockström,. Johan et al. Planetary Boundaries. Exploring the Safe Operating Space for Humanity. PDXScholar, 1-1-2009.

Roser, Max and Esteban Ortiz-Ospina, Global Extreme Poverty (March 2017). Our World in Data.

Rushton, Simon, “Health Rights and Realization Comment on “Rights Language in the Sustainable Development Agenda: Has Right to Health Discourse and Norms Shaped Health Goals?” in International Journal of Health Policy Management, May 2016, 341–344.

Sachs, Jeffrey D. The End of Poverty. Economic Possibilities of our Time. London: Penguin Books, 2005.

Scheinin, Martin, ‘Advocating the Right to Development through Complaint Procedures Under Human Rights Treaties,’ in Bård Anders Andreassen and Stephen Marks (eds.), Development as a Human Right: Legal, Political and Economic Dimensions. Antwerp: Intersentia, 2010, pp.338-352

Sengupta, Arjun, ‘The Human Right to Development,’ in Bård Anders Andreassen and Stephen Marks (eds.), Development as a Human Right: Legal, Political and Economic Dimensions. Antwerp: Intersentia, 2010, pp.13-44

Skogly, Sigrun, ‘The Role of International Financial Institutions in a Rights-based Approach to the Process of Development,’ in Bård Anders Andreassen and Stephen Marks (eds.), Development as a Human Right: Legal, Political and Economic Dimensions. Antwerp: Intersentia, 2010, pp.353-380

Stephenson, Sean, ‘Jobs, Justice, Climate: Conflicting State Obligations in the International Human Rights and Climate Change Regimes,’ in Ottawa Law Review. Vol.42 (2011), pp.155-179.

Stein, Michael, Charlotte McClain-Nhlapo and Janet Lord. ‘Education and HIV/AIDS: Disability Rights and Inclusive Development,’ in Malcolm Langford, Andrew Sumner and Alicia Ely Yamin (eds.), The Millennium Development Goals and Human Rights: Past, Present and Future. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp.274-294 [21 pages]

UN Draft Principles on Human Rights and the Environment, UN. Doc. E/CN.4/Sub.2/1994/9 Annex I. 1994.

van Veen, Saska C., ‘Meeting the Challenge of the Rights-based Approach to Disability: The Changing Role of Disability-Specific NGOs and DPOs,’ in Nordic Journal of Human Rights. Vol.31 (2013), pp.360-381

Whelan, Daniel J, “‘Under the Aegis of Man’: The Right to Development mad the Origins of the New International Economic Order” in Humanity (Spring 2015).

Wilde, Alexandra, ‘The Democratization of Governance Assessments,’ in UNDP (ed.), Making the State Responsive: Experience with Democratic Governance Assessments. New York: UNDP, 2011, pp.49-62.

Published Dec. 3, 2018 1:47 PM - Last modified Jan. 30, 2019 4:03 PM