
[K] betyr at publikasjonen er tatt inn i en kopisamling/kompendium. Kopisamlingene/kompendiene samt pensum i instituttets stensilserie og K-serie er til salgs i Akademika i Domus Nova, St.Olavs plass 5, inngang Pilestredet. Ta med gyldig studentbevis ved kjøp av kopisamling/kompendium.

Anderson. E. (2014): The Code of the Street. I: Criminological Theory: Past to Present. Fifth Edition, red. F. T. Cullen, R. Agnew og P. Wilcox, New York: Oxford University Press. S. 154-165. 12 sider.

Bauman, Z. (1988): Sociology after the Holocaust. The British Journal of Sociology 39(4), 469-497. 29 sider.

Baumann, Z. (1996): Tourists and Vagabonds. Heroes and Victims of Postmodernity. Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna. Political Science Series: 15. 13 sider.

Bengtsson, T. T. (2012): 'It's what you have to do!': Exploring the role of high-risk edgework and advanced marginality in a young man's motivation for crime. Criminology and Criminal Justice 13(1), 99–115. 16 sider.

Bosworth, M. og M. Guild (2008): Governing Through Migration Control. Security and Citizenship in Britain. British Journal of Criminology 48 (6), 703-719. 16 sider.

Bourdieu, P. (2006): Kapitalens former. Agora nr. 1-2, s. 5-27. 22 sider.

Bourdieu, P. (1999a): Site effects. I: The weight of the world: social suffering in contemporary society. P. Bourdieu et al. Cambridge: Polity press, s. 123-129. 7 sider. [K]

Bourdieu, P. (1999a): The abdication of the state. I: The weight of the world: social suffering in contemporary society. P. Bourdieu et al. Cambridge: Polity press, s.181-188. 8 sider. [K]

Blagg, H. (2008): Colonial Critique and Critical Criminology: Issues in Aboriginal Law and Aboriginal Violence. I: The Critical Criminology Companion. red T. Anthony og C. Cunneen. Annandale: Hawkins Press. s 129 – 143, 14 sider. [K]

Carlsson, C. (2012): Using ‘Turning Points’ to Understand Processes of Change in Offending. Notes from a Swedish Study on Life Courses and Crime. British Journal of Criminology 52 (1), 1-16. 16 sider.

Caspi, A, T. E. Moffitt, P. A. Silva, M. Stouthamer-Loeber, R. F. Krueger og P. S. Schmutte (2014): Personality and Crime: Are Some People Crime Prone? I: Criminological Theory: Past to Present. Fifth Edition, red. F. T. Cullen, R. Agnew og P. Wilcox, New York: Oxford University Press. Side 86-94. 9 sider

Christie, N. (1997): Four Blocks Against Insight: Notes on the Oversocialization of Criminologists. Theoretical Criminology 1(1), 13-23. 10 sider.

Cohen, L. E. og M. Felson (2014): Routine Activity Theory. I: Criminological Theory: Past to Present. Fifth Edition, red. F. T. Cullen, R. Agnew og P. Wilcox, New York: Oxford University Press. Side 469-479. 14 sider.

Cornish, D. B. og R. V. Clarke (2014): Crime as a Rational Choice. I: Criminological Theory: Past to Present. Fifth Edition, red. F. T. Cullen, R. Agnew og P. Wilcox, New York: Oxford University Press. S. 437-442. 6 sider.

Clarke, R. V. (2014): Situational Crime Prevention. I: Criminological Theory: Past to Present. Fifth Edition, red. F. T. Cullen, R. Agnew og P. Wilcox, New York: Oxford University Press. Side 480-488. 9 sider.

Cullen, F. T., R. Agnew og P. Wilcox (2014a): Developmental Theories: Crime and the Life Course. I: Criminological Theory: Past to Present. Fifth Edition, red. F. T. Cullen, R. Agnew og P. Wilcox, New York: Oxford University Press. 511-524. 14 sider.

Cullen, F. T., R. Agnew og P. Wilcox (2014b): Environmental Criminology. I: Criminological Theory: Past to Present. Fifth Edition, red. F. T. Cullen, R. Agnew og P. Wilcox, New York: Oxford University Press. S. 454-468. 11 sider.

Cullen, F. T., R. Agnew og P. Wilcox (2014c): Introduction: Understanding Criminological Theory. A Guide for Readers. I: Criminological Theory: Past to Present. Fifth Edition, red. F. T. Cullen, R. Agnew og P. Wilcox, New York: Oxford University Press. S. 1-18. 17 sider.  

Cullen, F. T., R. Agnew og P. Wilcox (2014d): Reviving Classical theory: Deterrence and Rational Choice Theories. I: Criminological Theory: Past to Present. Fifth Edition, red. F. T. Cullen, R. Agnew og P. Wilcox, New York: Oxford University Press. S. 417-430. 13 sider.

Daly, K. (1997): Different Ways of Conceptualizing Sex/Gender in Feminist Theory and and their Implications for Criminology. Theoretical Criminology 1(1): 25-51. 28 sider.

Ferrell, G. (2010): Situational Crime Prevention and Its Discontents: Rational Choice and Harm Reduction versus ‘Cultural Criminology’. Social Policy & Administration 44 (1), 40-66. 26 sider.

Glueck, S. og E. Glueck (2014): Unraveling Juvenile Delinquency. I: Criminological Theory: Past to Present. Fifth Edition, red. F. T. Cullen, R. Agnew og P. Wilcox, New York: Oxford University Press. Side 47-58. 12 sider.

Gottfredson, M. R. og T. Hirschi (2014): A General Theory of Crime. I: Criminological Theory: Past to Present. Fifth Edition, red. F. T. Cullen, R. Agnew og P. Wilcox, New York: Oxford University Press. Side 238-250. 13 sider.

Hayward, K. og J. Young (2004): Cultural criminology: some notes on the script. Theoretical criminology 8(3), 259-273. 14 s. [K]

Henne, K. og E. Troshynski (2013): Mapping the margins of intersectionality: Criminological possibilities in a transnational world. Theoretical Criminology 17(4): 455-473. 18 sider.

Katz, J. (1988): “Introduction.” og “Sneaky Thrills.” I: Seductions of crime: moral and sensual attractions in doing evil. New York: Basic Books, s. 3-11 og 52-79. 36 sider. [K]

Kolnar, K. (2006): "Volden" I: Män i Norden. Manlighet och modernitet 1840 - 1940. red J. Lorentzen og C. Ekenstam. Gidlunds förlag, s. 208-228. 20 sider. [K]

Kristiansen, S. (2002): Det kvalitative kontinuum – om data og teoriutvikling i kvalitativ sociologi. I: Liv, fortelling, tekst. Strejftog i kvalitativ sociologi. Red. Jacobsen, M. Hviid, S. Kristiansen og A. Prieur. Aalborg: Aalborg Universitetsforlag. S. 315-340. 25 sider. [K]

Laub, J. H. og R. J. Samson (2014): A Theory of Persistent Offending and Desistance from Crime. I: Criminological Theory: Past to Present. Fifth Edition, red. F. T. Cullen, R. Agnew og P. Wilcox, New York: Oxford University Press. Side 545-551. 7 sider.

Messerschmidt, J. W. (2011): Masculinities and Crime. I: Criminological Theory: Past to Present. Fifth Edition, red. F. T. Cullen, R. Agnew og P. Wilcox, New York: Oxford University Press. S. 354-365. 12 sider.

Miller, J. (2002): The strengths and limits of 'doing gender' for understanding street crime. Theoretical Criminology 6 (4), 433-460. 27 sider [K]

Moffitt, T. E. (2014): Pathways in the Life Course to Crime. I: Criminological Theory: Past to Present. Fifth Edition, red. F. T. Cullen, R. Agnew og P. Wilcox, New York: Oxford University Press. Side 525-544. 20 sider.

Newman, O. (2014): Defensible Space. I: Criminological Theory: Past to Present. Fifth Edition, red. F. T. Cullen, R. Agnew og P. Wilcox, New York: Oxford University Press. S. 489-496. 8 sider.

O'Brien, M. (2005): What is Cultural about Cultural Criminology?. British Journal of Criminology 45 (5), 599-612. 14 sider

Prieur, A. (2000): Frihet til å forme seg selv. I : Kontur, nr. 6: 4-12. 7 sider. [K]

Sampson, R. J. og W. J. Wilson (2014): A Theory of Race, Crime, and Urban Inequality. I: Criminological Theory: Past to Present. Fifth Edition, red. F. T. Cullen, R. Agnew og P. Wilcox, New York: Oxford University Press. S. 114-120. 7 sider.

Sattler, S., P. Graeff og S, Willen (2013): Explaining the Decision to Plagiarize: An Empirical Test of the Interplay Between Rationality, Norms and Opportunity. Deviant Behavior 34(6), 444-463. 20 sider.

Skardhamar, T. (2009): Reconsidering the theory on adolescent-limited and life-course persistent anti-social behavior. British Journal of Criminology 49 (6): 863-878. 15 sider.

Stafford, M. C. og M. Warr (2014): Reconceptualizing Deterrence Theories. I: Criminological Theory: Past to Present. Fifth Edition, red. F. T. Cullen, R. Agnew og P. Wilcox, New York: Oxford University Press. Side 431-436. 6 sider.

Swedberg, R. (2012): Theorizing in sociology and social science: Turning to the context of discovery. Theoretical Sociology 41(1), 1-40. 40 sider.

Wilson, J. Q. og G. L. Kelling (2014): Broken Windows. I: Criminological Theory: Past to Present. Fifth Edition, red. F. T. Cullen, R. Agnew pg P. Wilcox, New York: Oxford University Press. Side 497-508. 12 sider.

Young, J. (2003): Merton with energy, Katz with structure: The sociology of vindictivness and the criminology of transgression. Theoretical Criminology 7(3), 389-414. 25 sider [K]

Aas, K. F. (2013): Globalization and Crime, Second edition. London: Sage, kap 7, 9 og 10, 60 sider.


Totalt 723 sider.

Publisert 25. mai 2016 09:09 - Sist endret 3. aug. 2016 09:38