
[K] betyr at publikasjonen er tatt inn i en kopisamling/kompendium. Kopisamlingene/kompendiene samt pensum i instituttets stensilserie og K-serie er til salgs i Akademika i Domus Nova, St.Olavs plass 5, inngang Pilestredet. Ta med gyldig studentbevis ved kjøp av kopisamling/kompendium.

Aas, K. F. (2007): Globalization and Crime. London: Sage (208 s.)

Agozino, B. et al (2009): “Guns, Crime and Social Order in the West Indies”. I Criminology and Criminal Justice, vol 9(3): 287–305 (18 s.) [K]

Beck, U. (2002): "The Terrorist Threat: World Risk Society Revisited". I Theory, Culture & Society, Vol. 19 (4): 39 - 55. (18 s.) [K]

Bowling, Ben (2009) “Transnational Policing: The Globalization Thesis, a Typology and a Research Agenda”. I Policing vol 3 (2): 149 – 160 (11 s.) [K]

Brown, M. (2005): “Setting the conditions” for Abu Ghraib: the prison nation abroad". I American Quarterly, Sept.: 973–97 (14 s.) [K]

Burawoy, M. (2000) “Introduction: Reaching to the Global". I Global Ethnography: forces, connections and imaginations in a postmodern world. M. Burawoy et al (red). Berkeley: University of california Press (40 s.) [K]

Castells, M. (2000): "The Perverse Connection: the Global Criminal Economy". I End of Millenium, 2nd edition. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers: 169 – 211. (42 s.) [K]

Connell, R. (2006): "‘Northern theory: The political geography of general social theory’". I Theoretical Sociology, vol 35: 237 – 264 (27 s.) [K]

Cunneen, C. og J. Stubbs (2004): "Cultural Criminology and Engagement with Race, Gender and Post-colonial Identities". I Cultural Criminology Unleashed J. Ferrell et al (red). London: Glasshouse Press: 97 – 108 (11 s.) [K]

Findlay, M. (2008): "International criminal justice and governance". I Governing through Globalised Crime: Futures of international criminal justice. Cullompton: Willan Publishing, kap. 5 (31 s.) [K]

Flyghed, J. (2003): "Den hotfulla säkerheten". I Laglöst Land: Terrorjakt och Rättssäkerhet i Sverige. J. Flyghed og M. Hörnqvist (red). Stockholm: Ordfront: 73 – 97 (24 s.) [K]

Johansen, P.O. (2001): "Kriminalitetens globale økonomi" i Retfærd, nr. 95, vol 24: 3-14. (11 s.) [K]

Lyon, D. (2006): "9 / 11, Synopticon, and Scopophilia: Watching and Being Watched". I The new Politics of Surveillance and Visibility. K. D. Haggerty og R. Ericson (red). Toronto og London: University of Toronto Press: 35 – 54 (19 s.) [K]

Mathiesen, T. (2003): "Lex Vigilatoria – Towards a control system without a state?" I Perspectives on Punishment: The Contours of Control. S. Armstrong og L. McAra (red). Oxford: Oxford University Press (14 s.) [K]

Melossi, D.(2003): "In a peaceful life’: Migration and the crime of modernity in Europe / Italy" in Punishment & Society Vol 5 (4): 371 – 397 (26 s.) [K]

Morrison, W. (2005): "Rethinking narratives of penal change in global context". I The New Punitiveness: Trends, theories, perspectives. J. Pratt et al (red). Cullompton: Willan Publishing: 290 – 307 (17 s.) [K]

Mythen, G. and S. Walkate (2006): "Criminology and Terrorism: Which Thesis? Risk Society or Governmentality?" I The British Journal of Criminology, 46 (3): 379 – 398 (19 s.) [K]

Passas, N. (2000): "Global Anomie, Dysnomie, and Economic Crime: Hidden Consequences of Neoliberalism and Globalization in Russia and Around the World". I Social Justice, vol. 27 (2): 16 – 43 (27 s.) [K]

Sandberg, S. og W. Pedersen (2006): Gatekapital. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Pensum kap. 1, 2, 3 og 4 (120 s.)

Sassen, S. (2007): "Elelements for a Sociology of Globalization". I A Sociology of Globalization. New York, London: W.W. Norton & Company: kap. 2 (36 s.) [K]

Skilbrei, May-Len og Irina Polyakova (2006): 'My life is too short, I want to live now': Kvinner fra Øst-Europa forteller om veien til og livet i prostitusjon i Norge , rapport Institutt for kriminologi og rettssosiologi, UiO (63 s.)

Weber, L. (2002): "The detention of asylum seekers - 20 reasons why criminologists should care". I Current Issues in Criminal Justice: Special Issue - Refugee Issues and Criminology, 14 (1): 9-30 (21 s.) [K]

Publisert 13. nov. 2010 08:43 - Sist endret 15. nov. 2010 11:47