
Published Jan. 12, 2011 1:42 PM

Contact information after the results: kand 5852-5873 Roald M. Engeness tlf 73808700, kand 5874-5896 + BA Ellen Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson tlf 3589 19123388

Published Dec. 10, 2010 12:50 PM

Extra lecture on what to think about before the exam. By Kristina Siig. Place: Aud 6, DA. Time: Dec 13, 14-16.

Published Nov. 9, 2010 2:13 PM

16 November – Time for questions about the exam!

On Tuesday 16 November you will be given some last practical information about the up-coming exams and the auxiliary material. And you will be given the opportunity to ask questions you have concerning the exam and auxiliary material.

Time: 14.15-16.00

Place: Aud 4. in Domus Academica

Published Oct. 28, 2010 5:48 PM

Delay in return of semester paper

Due to illness there might be up to one week delay on the return of semester papers. We regret this!

Published Oct. 22, 2010 12:33 PM

Informasjonsmøte om regler for Hjelpemidler til eksamen : Reglene ble oppdatert før høsten 2009 og er nå mer detaljerte.

Vi oppfordrer til å møte opp på Informasjonsmøte om hjelpemidler til eksamen som avholdes 4. november klokken 10.15 i Auditorium 6 DA og 5. november klokken 10.15 i Auditorium 4 DA.

Published Sep. 29, 2010 12:19 PM

Mid-term Paper Autumn 2010

The mid-term paper is now available. The deadline for handing it in is 15 October at 10AM.

This is done in

Choose "English" in the "Språk" column when logging in.

Published Sep. 7, 2010 12:52 PM

Important! Lecture on how to write exams at the Faculty of Law is postponed to 6 October!

Due to continued illness of the professor in charge of the academic programme for the exchange students, the introductory lecture on answering exams at the Faculty of Law, UiO has been postponed to 6 October. The original lecture scheduled for 9 September is cancelled.

Date: 6 October

Time: 10.15-12.00

Place: Auditorium 4 in Domus Academica

Lecturer: Professor Knut Kaasen

Published Aug. 27, 2010 5:23 PM

Change of lecture hall 13 October

Please notice that there has been a change of lecture hall on 13 October. Both lectures will be held in "Teologisk Eksamenssal", this is the lecture hall next to Aud. 6 in Domus Academica.

Published Aug. 5, 2010 12:42 PM

Reading list is published!

The reading list for JUR5401/1401 Maritime Law autumn 2010 is now available online. See under the headline Teaching to the left on this page.

Published Aug. 2, 2010 5:25 PM

Introductory Seminar on Friday 27 August for all new International Students enrolled at the Faculty of Law autumn 2010

Professor Mads Andenæs will introduce legal method and the relationship between Norwegian domestic law and European and international law.

The seminar is voluntarily, but it is recommended if you aren’t already familiar with the Norwegian way of “thinking” law.

Detailed course outline

Time and place: 27 August, 10.15- 16.00, Aud. 14 in Domus Bibliotheca

Published June 25, 2010 2:42 PM

Note! A student edition of the Norwegian Marin Insurance Plan can be purchased at the Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law, the Petroleum Law Department (10am-15pm), Domus Media, 2nd floor. The student edition of the Norwegian Marin Insurance Plan are only available to students who are registered at the course i Martime Law. The student edition are not sold through Audiatur. The Norwegian Marin Insurance Plan can else be bought at CEFOR

Published June 25, 2010 2:42 PM

Exams will always be given on the basis of the newest edition of the literature and auxiliary materials that are available at the beginning of each semester. But you are allowed to use older editions of the auxiliary material at the exams. It is the students responsibility to keep themselves updated on the newest editions.

Most of the auxiliary material used at the course of Maritime Law are published by the Sjørettsfondet (Maritime Law Foundation). The material published by Sjørettsfondet are distributed through the Internet bookstore Audiatur. More information about Audiatur and how to order you will find here

Published June 8, 2010 4:16 PM

RE reading list

The reading list for this course will be published as soon as possible.