Syllabus/achievement requirements


Learning outcome


At the end of the course, the students will have obtained a thorough knowledge and understanding of some of the most central questions and positions in contemporary debates about crime and reactions to crime:

  1. What is crime? What are the possible grounds for identifying some deviant acts as crimes?
  2. Who are the people performing crimes and how can their acts be explained?
  3. How does society react to crime?
  4. What are the relations between crimes and social structure and how can changes in crime trends be explained?


Students will be able to:

  • interpret, analyze and critically discuss theories of crime and punishment and their social contex
  • compare and evaluate moral, political and legal ideals and proposals within the politics of crime

General competence

Students will:

  • enhance their capability to question and discuss urgent and sensitive aspects of contemporary socio-legal realities;
  • enhance their capability to formulate and reflect on their own ideas of the proper relation between criminological knowledge and penal policy
  • enhance their capability to compare the judicial/crime-control methods with other approaches


Reading list

Articles marked with [C] are to be found in a compendium available at the bookstore Akademika (Domus Nova, St. Olavs plass 5, entry from Pilestredet). Bring your student identification card when buying compendiums.

Articles with hyperlinks are available online. You must be logged on as UiO user in order to download the online texts.


Aas, Katja Franko (2013): “The ‘Deviant Immigrant’: Migration and Discourse about Crime” (ch 4) and “Global Security and the ‘War on Terror’” (ch 5) in Globalization & Crime (2nd ed). London: SAGE Publications Ltd, pp 76-127, 51 p. [C]

Aas, Katja Franko, Helene Oppen Gundhus and Heidi Mork Lomell (2009): "Introduction: Technologies of (in)security" In: Technologies of InSecurity: The surveillance of everyday life. Ed by Katja Franko Aas, Helene Oppen Gundhus and Heidi Mork Lomell. Abingdon: Routledge-Cavendish, pp 1-17. 16 p.

Becker, Howard (1973): "Outsiders" (ch 1) and "Kinds of deviance" (ch 2) in Outsiders. New York: The Free Press, pp. 1-40. 39 p.

Christie, Nils (2000): Crime Control as Industry: Towards GULAGS, Western Style. London: Routledge. (Not chapter 6, 7) 170 p.

Christie, Nils (1976): "Conflicts as property" In: British Journal of Criminology. 23 p.

Cohen, Stan (2002): "Moral Panics as Cultural Politics. Introduction to the Third Edition" In: Folk Devils and Moral Panics: The Creation of the Mods and Rockers. London: Routledge, pp. 7-37. 30 p. [C]

Duff, Antony (2013): "Legal Punishment" In: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 27p.

Garland, David (2001): "Modern Criminal Justice and the Penal-Welfare State" (ch 2) and "The Crisis of Penal Modernism" (ch 3) In: The Culture of Control: Crime and Social Order in Contemporary Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 27-73 and 219-233. 46 p.

Johansen, Per Ole (2009): "Organized crime Norwegian style – used to be" In: Organised crime. Norms, markets, regulation and research. Ed by Karsten Ingvaldsen and Vanja Sørli Lundgren. Oslo: Unipub, pp 41-62, 21 p. [C]

Lappi-Seppälä, Tapio and Michael Tonry (2011): "Crime, Criminal Justice, and Criminology in the Nordic Countries" In: Crime and Justice in Scandinavia. vol. 40, no 1. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 31 p.

Lomell, Heidi Mork (2010): "The Politics of Numbers: Crime Statistics as a Source of Knowledge and a Tool of Governance" In: International Handbook of Criminology. Shlomo G. Shoham, Paul Knepper og Martin Kett. New York: Taylor & Francis group, pp 117-152, 35 p.

McGlynn, Claire (2011): "Feminism, Rape and the Search for Justice" In: Oxford Journal of Legal Studies. 31(4): 825-842, 17 p.

Reiner, Robert (2010): "Watching the Watchers" (ch 1) in The Politics of the Police. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 3-36. 33 p. (Fronter)

Sandberg, Sveinung (2008): "Street capital. Ethnicity and violence on the streets of Oslo" In: Theoretical criminology. 12(2), pp 153- 171, 18 p.

Shammas, Victor Lund; Sandberg, Sveinung & Pedersen, Willy (2014): "Trajectories to mid- and higher-level drug crimes: Penal misrepresentations of drug dealers in Norway" In: British Journal of Criminology. 54(4), pp 592- 612, 20 p.

Simon, Jonathan (2006): "Megan's Law: Crime and Democracy in Late Modern America" In: Law and Social Inquiry. 25(4): 1111-1150, 39 p.

Skilbrei, May-Len (2012): “The Development of Norwegian Prostitution Policies: A Marriage of Convenience between Pragmatism and Principles” In: Sexuality Research and Social Policy. 9 (3): 244-257, 14 p.

Sollund, Ragnhild (2013): "Animal trafficking and trade: Abuse and species injustice" In: Emerging issues in green criminology: Exploring power, justice and harm. Ed. by Reece Walters, Diane Westerhuis and Tanya Wyatt. Basingstoke: Palgrave. pp 72-92, 20 p.

Ugelvik, Thomas (2015): "Prisons as Welfare Institutions? Punishment and the Nordic Model" In: Handbook on Prisons. Ed by Y Jewkes, B Crewe and J Bennett. London: Routledge. 20 p (Fronter)

Walklate, Sandra (2004): "Introduction: Women and crime or gender and crime?" In: Gender, crime and criminal justice. 2nd ed. Cullompton: Willan Publishing. Pp. 1-20, 20 p [C]

Walklate, Sandra (2011): "What is criminology?" In: Criminology: The basics. 2nd edition. London: Routledge, pp. 1-28 (Fronter)

White, Rob (2007): "Green criminology and the pursuit of social and ecological justice" In: Issues in Green criminology. Ed. by Piers Beirne and Nigel South. Cullompton: Willan Publishing, pp 32-55, 23 p. [C]

Zedner, Lucia (2009): "Introduction" and "Security, crime, and criminal justice" (ch 4) In: Security. London: Routledge, pp. 1-8 and 67-89. 30 p.

Zeegers, Nicolle (2002): "Taking Account of Male Dominance in Rape Law" In: European Journal of Women’s Studies 9 (4), pp. 447–458, 12 p.



Published Nov. 26, 2014 2:35 PM - Last modified Mar. 26, 2015 10:09 AM