Project 2 – regarding the self-assessment form

Regarding the column "where is it done?" in the form.

The suggestion is "Page 1, col 1, line 1", but you do not have to follow that format, what matters is that it is easy to understand where you have answered it. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Page 1, col 1
  • Page 1, col1, first half
  • Page 2-3
  • Page 1, section 2.A
  • Code line 100-200
  • Fig 1 
  • Fig 1 + page 4
  • Eqs (2)-(14)
  • From Eq. (2) to Eq. (5)

Best of luck!

Publisert 17. apr. 2024 16:21 - Sist endret 17. apr. 2024 16:21