
Published Dec. 1, 2023 2:35 PM

The function for the partition function of Ti was missing from the project 3 background notebook. I’ve just added it now, so please update your repositories to get the latest version.

Published Nov. 20, 2023 8:52 AM

The questions for Project 3 are now available at the course repository. Note that the "background" notebook is not yet available (will be uploaded in the next couple of days).

When you hand in, remember the following:

  • Include all source code in the answer notebook, no loading of external notebooks or source files
  • Do not include any file that is already in the repository under project3/. No need to upload files we already have.
  • Please do not zip or create an archive of your files before uploading to Devilry. This would be a good thing in principle, but it screws up our automated system so it gives a lot of manual work.
Published Oct. 31, 2023 12:12 PM

I will hold a question and answers session on Wednesday 1st Nov, 11:00-12:00 on 304. This will cover the course materials up to date, and clarify any of the questions from project 2.

Note that I will be unable to answer specific questions about project 2 (e.g. “does this look ok?”, “what am I doing wrong here?”, etc.).

Published Oct. 22, 2023 10:15 PM

The questions for Project 2 are now available at the course repository.

When you hand in, remember the following:

  • Include all source code in the answer notebook, no loading of external notebooks or source files
  • Do not include any file that is already in the repository under project2/. No need to upload files we already have. Most importantly, do not upload the 3D model into Devilry.
  • If you have temporary files to save calculations that take a long time (e.g. intensity in 3D), you can save them and upload them with your answers. But please include code in the notebook to read this external file (and how you created it in the first place).
  • Please do not zip or create an archive of your files before uploading to Devilry. This would be a good thing in principle, but it screws up our automated system so it gives a lot of manual work.
Published Oct. 13, 2023 3:59 PM

The grades and feedback from Project 1 are published, you can check them out on Devilry.

Published Sep. 17, 2023 4:37 PM

The questions for Project 1 are now available at the course repository.

Published Aug. 22, 2023 3:16 PM

Welcome to the Autumn 2023 run of AST4310. You will find more information about the course in the following webpage:

There is an associated github repository, which we will update during the semester to upload python codes and jupyter notebooks. The questions for each of the project will also appear in the repository.

PDF versions of the lecture slides and handwritten notes are available and continuously updated at the following URL.