#import here... #use AST1100SolarSystemViewer for standard exercises #use AST1100SolarSystem for alternative project system = AST1100SolarSystem(seed) #system = AST1100SolarSystem(seed, hasMoons=False) #if the moons are problematic T = #number of years N = #steps per year times = linspace(0, T, int(N*T) ) pos_computed = zeros((2, system.numberOfPlanets, int(T*N))) #compute the positions here! # #use this line to perform check of your simulations. #if passed, will generate a numpy array file with perfect positions. system.checkPlanetPositions(pos_computed, T, N) #if the file is too large, use something like this to only output 1/100 frames #system.orbitXml(pos_computed[:,:,::100], times[::100]) system.orbitXml(pos_computed, times)