from AST1100SolarSystemViewer import AST1100SolarSystemViewer seed = #Your seed here system = AST1100SolarSystemViewer(seed) planetsRadius = system.radius # Radiuses of planets, [km]. planetsMass = system.mass # Mass of the planets, [solar masses]. planets_initial_x0 = system.x0 # Initial x-position of planets, [AU]. planets_initial_y0 = system.y0 # Initial y-position of planets, [AU]. planets_initial_vx0 = system.vx0 # Initial x-velocity of planets, [AU]. planets_initial_vy0 = system.vy0 # Initial y-velocity of planets, [AU]. # Data about the system. G = 4 * pi * pi # Gravitational constant in astronomical units. numberOfPlanets = system.numberOfPlanets # Number of planets in the system. starRadius = system.starRadius # Radius of star, [km] starMass = system.starMass # Mass of the star, [solar masses]. T = #number of years N = #total number of time steps times = zeros(N) # Fill out the times-array yourself here, using uniform time steps dt pos_computed = zeros((2, system.numberOfPlanets, N)) for t_i in xrange(N): #for each time step... for p_no in xrange(numberOfPlanets): #for each planet... time = times[t_i] #the current time step pos_computed[0, p_no, t_i] = #calculate the x position of planet p_no pos_computed[1, p_no, t_i] = #calculate the y position of planet p_no system.orbitXml(pos_computed, times) #Will generate the xml file