
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
24.11.2004Øystein    Exercise session, final words   
22.11.2004Øystein    The CMB  see notes 
17.11.2004Øystein    Statistics of density perturbations, the CMB  see notes 
15.11.2004Øystein    Structure formation  See notes 
10.11.2004    No problem session because of home exam 2   
08.11.2004Øystein    Structure formation   
03.11.2004Øystein    Structure formation  Notes will be handed out 
01.11.2004Øystein    Nucleosynthesis, recombination  C&L 8.6, 9.3 
27.10.2004Øystein    Problems 10,11,12,13   
25.10.2004Øystein    Early universe thermodynamics. Neutrino decoupling. Nucleosynthesis  C&L 8.4, 8.6 
20.10.2004Øystein    Problems 8,9 & start of 10 on the problem sheet handed out   
18.10.2004Øystein    Particles of the Standard Model, thermodynamics in the early universe  C&L 8.1,8.2,8.3 
13.10.2004    No lectures this week   
11.10.2004    No lectures this week   
06.01.2004Øystein    Inflation: reheating and density perturbations   
04.10.2004Øystein    The slow-roll approximation. A worked example   
29.09.2004Kathinka    Solution of home exam   
27.09.2004No lectures this week       
22.09.2004Øystein    Inflation: scalar field models.   C&L 7.10+7.11 
20.09.2004Øystein  ITA  Horizons in cosmology (C&L 2.8). Motivation for inflation: the flatness problem and the horizon problem (C&L 7.8.1, 7.9.1). Inflation: the basic idea (C&L 7.8.2)   
15.09.2004Everyone  ITA  Problems 6 & 7 on the problem sheets   
13.09.2004Øystein  ITA  Classical cosmological models continued: models with curvature (C&L 2.3, 2.4, 2.5)   
08.09.2004Everyone  ITA  Problems 4 & 5 on the problem sheets   
06.09.2004Øystein  ITA  Density parameters (C&L 1.13), the Hubble parameter as a function of redshift (C&L 2.1), classical cosmological models (C&L 2.2)   
01.09.2004Everyone    Problem 2 & 3 on the problem sheets   
30.08.2004Øystein  ITA  Proper distance, Hubble's law (C&L 1.4), redshift (C&L 1.5), the deceleration parameter (C&L 1.6), distances (C&L 1.7), density parameters (C&L 1.13)   
25.08.2004Øystein  ITA  Lecture+problem solving session  The continuity equation (C&L 1.10), the cosmological constant (C&L 1.12). The solution of problem 1 in the problem set, which involved solving the Friedmann equation for flat universe models with matter, radiation, or a cosmological constant.  
18.08.2004Øystein  ITA  Finish intro to GR. Introduce the Friedmann equations  C&L 1.2,1.3,1.10,1.11 
16.08.2004Øystein  ITA  Først info om kurset og litt peptalk. Deretter: GR med harelabb  Coles & Lucchin (C&L) 1.2, 1.3 
Publisert 10. aug. 2004 18:51 - Sist endret 17. nov. 2004 10:27