Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
17.08.2009David F. Mota  Room 304  Practical info about the course. A short overview of cosmology and "roadmap" for the course.   The course lecture notes and exercises can be found in: O. Elgaroy's lecture notes and in David F. Mota lectures notes  
19.08.2009David F. Mota  Room 304  Summary of the main cosmological observations and features of the Universe. Introduction to line elements.  Lecture notes: 1.1 and 1.2 
25.08.2009David F. Mota  Room 304  Curved spaces: the surface of a sphere. The Robertson-Walker line element.  Lecture notes: 1.3, 1.4.

Slides of all the lectures 

26.08.2009David F. Mota  Room 304  Exercises 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 plus 8 others  The exercises 1.1, 1.2 1.3 are to be found on page 53 and 54 in Elgaroy's lecture notes.

The other 8 exercises (and its solutions!) are to be found here 

31.08.2009David F. Mota  Room 304  Redshifts and distances  Lecture notes: 1.5 
31.08.2009David F. Mota  Room 304  The Friedmann equations  Lecture notes: 1.6

Slides of all the lectures

You can find the 'Home Exercises' within the slides. 

07.09.2009David F. Mota  Room 304  Equations of state, energy density  Lecture notes: 1.7, 1.8 
09.09.2009David F. Mota  Room 304  Energy density, the cosmological constant, cosmological models  1.8, 1.9, 1.10.1 in the lecture notes

Do all the 'exercises' within the lecture-slides 

14.09.2009David F. Mota  Room 304  Exercise 1.5 and 1.7  Note: there is a typo in exercise 1.5b): There should be no c^2 in the expression for Omega_Lambda0 
16.09.2009David F. Mota  Room 304  Sample problem: Exam December 3rd 2004, problem 3. Exam Jan 12 2006, Problem 1 + Exam Oct 10 2007 Problem 1   Sample exams from previous years can be found here (as a zip file). Let me know if you have problems to unzip this. 
16.09.2009David F. Mota  Room 304  The de Sitter universe, curved models, models with more than one component  1.10.2 - 1.10.6 
21.09.2009David F. Mota  Room 304  Exercise 1.6, 1.8, 1.14   
21.09.2009David F. Mota  Room 304  Example: Exam Dec 11 2006, problem 3   
23.09.2009David F. Mota    Cosmological models   Rest of 1.10, except 1.10.7 which is not on the curriculum 
28.09.2009David F. Mota    Exercise 1.9, 1.11, Exam Dec 12 2007, problem 3. Sample problem: Exam Oct 12 2005, Problem 1 + Exam Dec 1 2005 Problem 1    
28.09.2009David F. Mota    Sample problem: exam 2003, problem 1c), d) and e)   
30.09.2009David F. Mota  Room 304  Horizons, observables  1.11 and 1.13 in the lecture notes. Section 1.12 is not on the curriculum.

Get here the last lecture on chapter 1 

12.10.2009David F. Mota  Room 304  Introduction to the thermal history of the Universe.  Particle Physics in a Nutshell

Slides of Chapter 2, part I, of the lectures 

14.10.2009David F. Mota  Room 304  Chapter 2 continues...  Slides of Chapter 2, part II, of the lectures 
19.10.2009David F. Mota  Room 304  2.2,2.3, 2.4  Slides of Chapter 2, part III, of the lectures 
21.10.2009David F. Mota  Room 304  Exercise 2.1, 2.2, 2.3,2.4 and Sample exam: December 2003 1-b)  Slides of Chapter 2, part IV, of the lectures 
26.10.2009David F. Mota  Room 304  BBN  Slides of Chapter 2, part V, of the lectures 
02.11.2009David F. Mota  Room 304  Inflation  Slides of Chapter 3, Inflation 
04.11.2009David F. Mota  Room 304  More about Inflation   
09.11.2009David F. Mota  Room 304   Exercises on Inflation   
11.11.2009David F. Mota  Room 304  Exercises on Inflation. Old exams.   
16.11.2009David F. Mota  Room 304  Structure Formation   
18.11.2009David F. Mota  Room 304  More about Structure Formation  Slides of Chapter 4, Structure Formation 
23.11.2009David F. Mota  Room 304  Exercises about Structure Formation   
25.11.2009David F. Mota  Room 304  Exercises about Structure Formation. Old Exams   
09.12.2009David F. Mota  Room 304  Final Exam Dec 2009   
19.10.2010David F. Mota      Several previous years Exam SOLUTIONS 
Publisert 3. aug. 2010 18:13 - Sist endret 7. feb. 2020 15:49