FRM2310 – Manufacture of medicinal products; Quality assurance, quality control and distribution

Schedule, syllabus and examination date

Course content

This course comprises formulation, manufacture, quality control and distribution of medicinal products, including the elements of pharmaceutical quality assurance and the associated regulations and guidelines. The following subjects are included: Pharmaceutics, drug analysis, pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical microbiology, physical chemistry, drug chemistry and social pharmacy.

Learning outcome

To provide the students with a thorough knowledge of formulation, production, quality control and distribution of drugs and an understanding of the principles of pharmaceutical quality assurance. The students should be able to perform small-scale manufacture of dosage forms and to control the quality of raw materials and finished products. Students should also have an understanding of the distribution of medicines including issues of quality assurance and quality control.


Formal prerequisite knowledge

Course FRM 1110 and FRM1210

Recommended previous knowledge

Course FRM 1110 and FRM 1210


There are lectures, group work, seminars, one project, and laboratory classes. The course starts in week number 41 each year and continues for 24 weeks.


The students collect the written reports that they have been working with during the course to a portfolio. In addition there are three final written exams at the end of the course for all students. The portfolio must be complete and accepted before the students are allowed to attend the final exams.


Course evaluation

Feedback from our students is an essential to us in our efforts to ensure and further improve the high quality of our programmes and courses. As a student at the University of Oslo you will therefore be asked to participate in various types of evaluation of our courses, facilities and services. All study programmes and courses are subject to continuous evaluation. At regular intervals we also ask students enrolled in a particular programme or course to participate in a more comprehensive, in-depth evaluation of their programme or course. The next evaluation of this course will be carried out during the autumn term of 2005.

Facts about this course

Every autumn
Every spring
Teaching language