Project 1 ready

Project 1 is now ready

Dear all, the first iteration of project 1 is now available. A git pull should give you everything new.

You can find the project at the link and scroll down to project 1. You will find a pdf version, two html versions and a latex file for the project . The deadline is October 1.

Feel free to make groups and collaborate. You can also find the files at and in the Project1 folder you will also find two sets of digital terrain data files (thx so much to Kristine for this). You can use these in case you are not able to download your own data files from


Else, in the folder you can also see how we plan to evaluate (give points and finally grade) projects.


We will start at the lab tomorrow with a discussion of project 1. 


If you find errors etc, please let us know.

Publisert 11. sep. 2018 22:23 - Sist endret 11. sep. 2018 22:23