FYS-STK3155/4155 plans for week 37

Hi all and welcome back to the weekly digest with plans for rest of the week.


First, we apologize for the confusion with the lab room this Tuesday. This Tuesday as well as Tuesday Oct 22 are the only days when we will back to VB3, else we are at FØ434 for all remaining Tuesdays. We forgot to remind you about this. Please accept our apologies here. 


This Thursday we continue our discussion of resampling methods, with an emphasis on cross-validation, test and training errors, and the bootstrap method. The discussion will be linked to what we will see in project 1. Chapter 7 of Hastie et al  covers this material in a decent way, in particular sections 7.10-7.12. Furthermore, we will finalize our discussion of ridge, lasso and ols, with more examples as well before we move into the field of gradient descent and logistic regression. The latter is our first encounter with classification problems. We will start with these topics on Friday. 


Furthermore, several of you have asked about the format for the reports. The way we grade them and how to structure them is described at https://github.com/CompPhysics/MachineLearning/blob/master/doc/Projects/EvaluationGrading/EvaluationForm.md


I will however discuss this during tomorrow's lecture in order to have everybody on the same wave wavelength. I attach also an example of a report for project 3 from last year. It may serve as an example. Please feel free to ask about this if something is unclear. We want you to write a report which looks like a scientific article. project.pdf


best wishes to you all

Publisert 11. sep. 2019 21:38 - Sist endret 11. sep. 2019 21:38