Weekly plans and update for week 41

Dear all, we would like to wish you all the very best with the finalization of project 1. Concerning the deadline, devilry allows us as teachers only to have hard deadlines, that is the time you find on devilry.ifi.uio.no, which is today at 23.59. Now, in order to be sure please upload your GitHub link before the deadline. Your GitHub link for the project should contain the report, codes and eventual additional material used to test your codes and outputs.  In case you don't meet the deadline for uploading the report, this gives you some flexibility. GitHub has a time stamp which indicates when you uploaded the last version of the report.  In order to give you some flexibility, we allow corrections till Wednesday at 3pm. If you hand in later than that, we will, in order to be fair to those of you who handed in on time, have to deduct 10 points from the final score of 100 for every day you are delayed. 

This however does not apply if you have accepted reasons.  Please contact us in case you are having problems with meeting the deadline. 


Else, due to various midterm exams, this week we have only lectures on Thursday and the topic will be how to use tensorflow/keras and scikit-learn for studies of neural networks. 

The lab is open tomorrow as usual.


Best wishes to you all,

Hanna, Lucas, Morten, Stian and Øyvind

Publisert 7. okt. 2019 11:29 - Sist endret 7. okt. 2019 11:29