Weekly plans and update for week 46

Dear all, we hope all is fine with project 2. The final deadline as we wrote earlier is this Wednesday at 2359 on devilry.ifi.uio.no


Project 3 is now available at the github address of the course, scroll down https://compphysics.github.io/MachineLearning/doc/web/course.html and you will project 3. The deadline is December 15.  For this project you can propose your own data sets and we invite you all to send us a proposal that you can present during Friday's lecture this week. Your presentation should include a description of the data set with some motivation on why you think this data set is interesting and a brief plan on which methods you plan to explore. The presentation shouldn't last more than 5 min. Please send me your proposal by Thursday this week. We will also have a presentation of XGboost on Friday.


On Thursday we continue our discussion on Support Vector Machines (SVM), our last and final supervised ML algorithm. This is also a widely used algorithm in supervised learning. 

We will most likely end our discussions on SVMs next week. Our final topic, more meant as an appetizer will e on Bayesian statistics and Bayesian neural networks and that will conclude this semester. 


Best wishes to you all,

Hanna, Lucas, Morten, Stian and Øyvind.

Publisert 12. nov. 2019 07:48 - Sist endret 12. nov. 2019 07:48