Plans for week 48 and 49

Dear all, we hope you all doing well during these hectic exam times.
Since our last regular lab sessions and lectures ended last week (Friday), we thought of organizing (this week) some additional questions and answers sessions. Since many of you are probably busy working on exams we thought of first of offering these sessions via zoom, but also in-person for those of you who prefer/can.
This week we are planning on zoom and in-person Q&A and help sessions Thursday 2pm-4pm and Friday 2pm-4pm. We will use the same zoom link as we used for the lectures. If you wish to be there in person, we will be at our lab FØ434 at the same time.
Don't hesitate to come by for questions or just swing by our offices in case of questions and more.

Best wishes to you all,
Morten et al

p.s. we are hoping to be able to send feedback on project 2 to you all by the middle of next week

Publisert 30. nov. 2022 07:49 - Sist endret 30. nov. 2022 07:49