Plans for week 47

Dear all, thx again for heroic efforts with project 2. We really appreciate this, it is a true pleasure to see what you folks have achieved.

Else, there is an error in the weekly schedule  on the official UiO site. We have a regular lab session tomorrow and Wednesday this week, as well as next week (week 48). And possibly week 49 as well. I will send out more info later today about the schedule this week. Else, our last lecture is Thursday November 23.  

We have thus lab tomorrow Tuesday November 21 from 815am-4pm and Wednesday as well. The topic is obviously a discussion of project 3.

We have our last lecture this coming Thursday with a discussion of random forests and boosting methods, before we wrap our course.

Next week, week 48, we plan to have lab sessions Tuesdays and Wednesday 10am-4pm.

We are aiming at doing this during week 49 as well, but probably with fewer hours since this is an exam week.

More info with weekly exercises (course feedback from you) and weekly material later today (Monday).

Best wishes,

Morten et al

Publisert 20. nov. 2023 17:07 - Sist endret 20. nov. 2023 17:07