
Publisert 17. juni 2015 10:12

A (hand-written) solution of your final exam has been posted under "Problems (and solutions)". We expect to finish correcting by the end of next week.

Publisert 8. juni 2015 09:53

Clarification: For the exam you are allowed to bring two A4 sheets with your own notes. You may write on both sides, so four pages in total. The notes may be machine-written, as long as the font is big enough to readable with your bare eyes…

Publisert 18. mai 2015 12:22

We finished the material today (Monday 18th) so there will be no lecture tomorrow.

Publisert 4. mai 2015 16:04

Unfortunately, problem sets 11 and 12 overlapped by several problems. A corrected set 12 has been posted. The overlapping problems have been removed, and extra problems 'upgraded' to regular problems. Sorry about the mess!

Publisert 21. apr. 2015 08:12

Today's lecture is unfortunately cancelled due to illness.

This means that the material for next week's problem set (tensors) will be lectured on Monday/Tuesday, so feel free to read ahead. 

Publisert 6. apr. 2015 17:19

See link under "Problems (and solutions)" on main course web page. Practical info is found on p.2 of the problem sheet. Good luck! 

Publisert 18. mars 2015 14:53

The home exam will be on line no later than the morning of Tuesday April 7th (possibly already during the Easter weekend). Deadline for handing in Monday April 13th 14:30. No classes during this period. 

Publisert 19. feb. 2015 11:13

Since Marius is traveling there will be no ordinary problem session on March 4th. Questions about problem set 6 may instead be addressed to Susanne Viefers at office 473Ø between 9:15 and 10 on Wednesday March 4th. 

Publisert 9. feb. 2015 09:44

Dear students,

please pay attention so that you hand in your weekly problem sets in the correct box at the department office, and remember to mark it with your name. Be extra careful to avoid putting it in the FYS3410 box!

Publisert 30. jan. 2015 09:25

The following student representatives have been appointed for this semester. They will help evaluate the course. Feel free to contact them with any matters/problems you want to bring up during the semester.

Jon Vegard Sparre, jonvsp[at] (Physics)

Øyvind S. Schøyen, oyvindschoyen[at] (Meteorology)

Daniele Brugnara, brugnara.daniele[at] (Exchange student)

Publisert 22. jan. 2015 15:11

To avoid collision with the trip to CERN of the course in particle physics, the home exam is moved to the first week after Easter. Probably Tuesday 7.4. to Tuesday 14.4. Details will be announced later.

Publisert 12. jan. 2015 15:40

The course will be given in English. Therefore the suggestion is, like last year, to prepare exam problems in English only (but of course you may answer in bokmål or nynorsk!). If you object to this, please contact the lecturer by February 1st.