Welcome to FYS3150/4150

Dear all, thanks so much for having chosen FYS3150/4150 this semester. The first lecture is Thursday August 20 at 815am and it will be fully online. You will receive an email with more information asap. Until new regulations concerning COVID-19, all lectures will be digital. The zoom link is


Topic: Lectures FYS3150/4150
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 940 4582 7673
Passcode: 606654


The lab sessions start on Thursday August 20, with the first lab session at 1015am. We will cover the setup of version control software like git and repositories like GitHub/GitLab and installing C++ compilers on your laptops.


We hope you will enjoy the semester, best wishes to you all.

Publisert 18. aug. 2020 15:35 - Sist endret 18. aug. 2020 15:35