
Sist endret 22. mai 2019 22:29 av Alexander Lincoln Read

For this course we omit the sections marked with a star. Below are listed other sections that we either skip or don't go into much detail (i.e. we won't solve related homework problems or ask about on the exam). This does not mean they aren't interesting!!

The list will be amended during the semester to reflect the material actually covered in lectures and homework problems.

Last update: 22.05.2019

Sist endret 23. mai 2019 00:48 av Sunniva Siem

For the nuclear physics part of the course we use the book "Introductory Nuclear Physics" by K.S. Krane. In general sections marked with a star are omitted. Below is a list of Chapters and pages which will be covered.

The list be amended during the semester to reflect the material actually covered in lectures and homework problems.