Information about the final exam

As you know, the final exam will be a home exam. The time is still the same as was planned: Tuesday, December 8. 9:00-13:00. The exam will be distributed and answers given in Inspera like for the midterm exam. Since the time is short, I recommend to use handwritten solutions and scan/photograph them. Test in advance how to prepare a single .pdf file from your written pages, so you do not spend unnecessary time on this during the exam.

The format of the exam will be similar to previous years, except that since it is home exam, you are permitted to use any material that you may need. You may not ask other persons or discuss with other students.

Usually, I come to the exam to answer any questions about the problem set. This will be on zoom for the home exam. The faculty has requested that I am available on zoom at 10:00, the zoom room is (same as for the lectures). During the exam, the room will have a waiting room, so that you will only be admitted to talk to me individually. This means that you may have to wait some time before being admitted, have patience. I will repeat this at 12:00 if you have discovered additional questions. In addition, you may write e-mails to me at any time if you are in doubt about the meaning of any of the questions.

Good luck!

Publisert 3. des. 2020 11:54 - Sist endret 3. des. 2020 11:54